5.4 Upgrading DRA REST Extensions

In order to upgrade the Web Console and REST Extensions to Directory and Resource Administator 9.2, you must be using a DRA 9.0.1 or later version. For requirements information, see DRA Web Console and Extensions Requirements.

To upgrade the DRA Web Console and Extensions:

  1. After downloading the DRA installation kit, navigate to the location were the installation media was extracted, right-click the DRARESTExtensionsInstaller.exe file, and select Run as administrator.

  2. Follow the instructions in the install wizard until the installation completes, and click Finish.

For more detailed information about the steps in the install wizard, refer to the steps for a new installation: Install the DRA REST Extensions.

5.4.1 Upgrading Custom Content

When you upgrade to a newer version of DRA, you want to retain all of the customizations you have made for the Web Console on the web server. To make this easier, DRA has a Customization Upgrade utility that is built-in to the DRA REST Extensions installer. This utility runs automatically when you run DRARESTExtensionsInstaller.exe to upgrade REST Extensions on the web server. You can also re-run the utiltity manually from the DRA installation directory outside of the installation.

Part of the process of the Customization Upgrade utility is to back up your customizations before the upgrade starts. During the upgrade process, the utility creates a log file of all the changes made due to the upgrade and also includes a warning for any customization items that cannot be updated automatically.

As a best practice, we recommend that you review the log after the upgrade. If needed, you can roll back to the pre-upgrade customizations by copying them from the backup folder. You can define the folder path for the upgraded customizations when the Customization Upgrade utility opens, or you can use the default path, which auto-fills.

The default paths for upgraded customizations and the customizations backup are provided below:

  • Default CustomFolderPath: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DRAClient\components\lib\ui-templates\custom

  • Default Backup Folder: $CustomFolderPath\custom_upgrade_$VERSIONFROM_to_$VERSIONTO_backup