4.9 Deploying the DRA User Interfaces

Typically, you should deploy the current DRA user interfaces after you upgrade the primary Administration server and one secondary Administration server. However, for AAs who must use the primary Administration server, ensure you upgrade their client computers first by installing the Delegation and Configuration console. For more information, see Planning Deployment.

The following table identifies the typical user interfaces and Administration servers used by the each type of DRA user:

Type of DRA User

User Interfaces

Administration Server

DRA Admin

(The person who will maintain the product configuration)

Delegation and Configuration Console

Primary server

DRA Reporting


DRA ADSI Provider

Secondary server

Help Desk Occasional Administrator

Account and Resource Management Console

Web Console

Secondary server

If you often perform batch processing through the CLI or the ADSI provider, or frequently generate reports, consider installing these user interfaces on a dedicated secondary Administration server to maintain an appropriate load balance across the MMS.

You can let your AAs install the DRA user interfaces or deploy these interfaces through group policy. You can also easily and quickly deploy the Web Console to multiple AAs.

NOTE:DRA does not support running a previous version of DRA user interfaces with the current version of DRA user interfaces on the same Administration server or client computer. If you plan to gradually upgrade your AA client computers, consider deploying the Web Console to ensure immediate access to an Administration server running the current DRA version.