IDRARestServer GetComputersRequest Method DRA REST Extensions SDK
Retrieves a list of computers matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified computer.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/get

Namespace: NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary
Assembly: NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary (in NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary.dll) Version: (

[WebInvokeAttribute(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, 
	RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, 
	UriTemplate = "/dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/get")]
Stream GetComputersRequest(
	string domainFqdn,
	string computerIdentifier,
	Computer computerAndFilter,
	Computer computerOrFilter,
	PowerFilter[] powerFilters,
	SimpleFilterCollection additionalAndFilters,
	SimpleFilterCollection additionalOrFilters,
	string[] attributes,
	GetInfoOptions getInfoOptions,
	EnumerationOptions enumerationOptions,
	ConnectionParameters connectionParameters


Type: OnlineSystem String
The FQDN of the domain to query
Type: OnlineSystem String
A string identifying the computer. Used to indicate that the requested attributes of the computer should be returned.
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels Computer
An optional computer object that defines the attribute match patterns to filter on to use in the 'and' clause
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels Computer
An optional computer object that defines the attribute match patterns to filter on to use in the 'or' clause
Type:  NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels PowerFilter 
An optional PowerFilter object that limits the returned objects to those which the AA has the specified powers over
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels SimpleFilterCollection
An optional SimpleFilterCollection object that contains an additional set of simple filters to use in the 'and' clauuse
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels SimpleFilterCollection
An optional SimpleFilterCollection object that contains an additional set of simple filters to use in the 'or' clauuse
Type:  OnlineSystem String 
An optional list of properties to retrieve from the server
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels GetInfoOptions
An optional GetInfoOptions structure that controls what data is returned
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels EnumerationOptions
An optional EnumerationOptions structure that controls how the enumeration is performed
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModels ConnectionParameters
Optional ConnectionParameters to specify a DRA server and Assistant Admin credentials

Return Value

Type: OnlineStream
A GetComputerPropertiesResponse when attributes of a computer are requested or a ComputerListResponse containing the computers that matched the specified search filters.

For more information on object filters, see the topic on ContainerEnum(Computer, Computer, Contact, Contact, Domain, Domain, Group, Group, OU, OU, User, User, EquipmentMailbox, RoomMailbox, DynamicDistributionGroup, DynamicDistributionGroup, Container, Container, BuiltinContainer, BuiltinContainer,  PowerFilter , SimpleFilterCollection, SimpleFilterCollection,  String , EnumerationOptions, ConnectionParameters)
See Also