Group PropertiesDRA REST Extensions SDK
The Group type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptMessagesFrom
A list of distinguished names for the email-enabled accounts that can send email requests to this recipient. The default is to accept mail from all accounts.
Public propertyAccessMode
The AccessMode for an object
Public propertyAction
The Permissions for an object
Public propertyAdditionalAttributes
Contains values for attributes not exposed as class properties.
(Inherited from BaseObject.)
Public propertyBlackList
The excluded member list for a dynamic group. Objects in this list will not be members of the group even if they meet the filter criteria.
Public propertyClass
Type of item on DRA server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyContainer
The distinguished name path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyContainerOnePointPath
The OnePoint path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyCreateEmail
For create requests, indicates that the server should create email for this object. Setting this flag adds some validation of the input to ensure the correct attributes are set.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyDescription
The description displayed for the object. For example: Accounting server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDisplayName
The display name for an object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDisplayNamePrintable
Display name printable.
Public propertyDistinguishedName
The distinguished name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyEmailAddress
Email address. Specify the full email address in the format of
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute1
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute2
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute3
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute4
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute5
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute1
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute10
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute11
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute12
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute13
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute14
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute15
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute2
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute3
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute4
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute5
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute6
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute7
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute8
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute9
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyName
DRA friendly name for the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyParentPath
DRA friendly path for parent (if applicable) For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyPath
Full path to the object in canonical format. The path format uses forward slashes to define the container hierarchy. For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting/Myobject
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyGroupExpansionServerName
The Exchange 2000-style distinguished name of the server that is responsible for expanding the group membership of this mail-enabled group for mail delivery Eg: /o=NetIQ Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=IDCDVDR706
Public propertyGroupScope
Group's Scope known to client. This is translated to an int for the server. Valid values: "Domain local", "Global", "Universal"
Public propertyGroupType
GroupType Name known to client. This is translated to an int for the server. Valid values: "Distribution", "Security"
Public propertyHasMailbox
Read-only. Indicates if this item has a mailbox
Public propertyHideFromAddressLists
Hide group from exchange address list.
Public propertyIncomingEmailSize
Incoming email size.
Public propertyInfo
Public propertyIsDynamic
denotes if a dynamic group on some operations
Public propertyIsManaged
Indicates if the item is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyIsObjectManaged
Indicates if this object is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyLegacyExchangeDn
The distinguished name for the exchange server. previously used by Microsoft Exchange Server.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyMail
Email Address
Public propertyMailNickname
Exchange alias, also known as the mailNickname.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyManagedBy
Group Manager
Public propertyMemberFilter
Member filter for dynamic groups
Public propertyMemberOf
Membership that the group belonged to
Public propertyMembers
Member of groups TODO: In.Member Eg: "OnePoint://CN=TagoreAA,OU=TagoreOU,DC=drdom700,DC=lab"
Public propertyName
Name for the item
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyNameValue
DRA name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyObjectClass
DRA object class
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyObjTypeGuid
The ObjTypeGuid for an object
Public propertyOutOfOfficeReplyToOriginator
Send out of office message to originator.
Public propertyPath
OnePoint path of the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPermissions
The Permissions for an object
Public propertyPowers
Optional operation powers
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyProxyAddresses
Proxy address.
Public propertyRejectMessagesFrom
A list of distinguished names for the email-enabled accounts that whose email requests to this group will be rejected. The default is to accept mail from all accounts (empty list).
Public propertyReportToOriginator
Send delivery reports to message originator
Public propertyReportToOwner
Send delivery reports to group owner.
Public propertyRequireAuthenticationToSendTo
Flag to indicate if external users can send mail to this group. The default is false: only internal users can email this group
Public propertysAMAccountName
Logon name. This is also known as the pre-Windows 2000 name.
Public propertyShowInAdvancedViewOnly
This attribute specifies whether the attribute is to be visible in the Advanced mode of user interfaces.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyTrusteeName
The TrusteeSAM for an object
Public propertyTrustees
Trustees of groups Eg: "OnePoint://CN=TagoreAA,OU=TagoreOU,DC=drdom700,DC=lab"
Public propertyTrusteeSid
Public propertyTypeDom
The domain type on the dra server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyVarSetFilterString
The string to use when building VarSet filters for this object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenChanged
When the object was last modified
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenCreated
When the object was created
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhiteList
The list of static members that should always be included for a dynamic group.
Public propertyWinNTPath
The winNTPath for an object
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See Also