RoomMailbox PropertiesDRA REST Extensions SDK
The RoomMailbox type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptMessagesFrom
A list of distinguished names for the accounts that can send email requests to this recipient. The default is to accept mail from all accounts.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAccessMode
The AccessMode for an object
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAccountCannotBeDelegated
Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated. Enable/Disable account being delegated.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAccountExpirationDate
The date when the account expires. Accepts valid string representations of a date or dateTime value. String is translated to GMT, based on local time zone and culture. So, whether 01/08 is Jan 8 or Aug 1 depends on the local culture. If the time portion is not included, the time is set to midnight. Therefore, it is likely the date set on the user will be the day before the requested date. Examples of valid strings: "2015-01-18 22:19:18" "2015-01-18" "01/08/2015" "01/08/2015 02:00:00"
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAction
The Permissions for an object
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAddAdditionalResponse
Flag that indicates additional text should be added to a response from this resource mailbox. The text to be sent is specified in the additionalResponseText attribute. The default value is false.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAdditionalAttributes
Contains values for attributes not exposed as class properties.
(Inherited from BaseObject.)
Public propertyAdditionalResponseText
Text to be added to any email response from this resource mailbox.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAddOrganizerToSubject
Flag to indicate whether the organizer name should be added to the subject line for any email responses sent from this resource mailbox. The default value is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAddToGroups
The groups to which this user should be added. Optional. Valid only for a Create request. When specified, the new object is added to the specified groups. Specify as an array of distinguished names: Eg. "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=drdom700,DC=lab","CN=Test VA Grp,OU=Prem,DC=drdom700,DC=lab".
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAllowConflicts
Flag to indicate whether this resource mailbox will accept conflicting meeting requests. The default is false.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAllowRasDialIn
Indicates whether the account has permission to dial in to the RAS server.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAllowRecurringMeetings
Flag to indicate whether this resource mailbox will accept recurring meeting requests. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAllowScheduleOnlyDuringWorkingHours
Flag to indicate whether this resource mailbox will reject meeting requests for meeting times scheduled outside of working hours. The default is false (all requests are accepted).
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyAssistant
The distinguished name of the user's administrative assistant
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyBadLoginCount
The number of times the user tried to log on to the account using an incorrect password
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyBadPasswordTime
The last time and date that an attempt to log on to this account was made with a password that is not valid.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyCity
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyClass
Type of item on DRA server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyComment
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyCompany
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyConflictCountMaximum
Specifies the maximum number of conflicts allowed for recurring meetings. If the number of instances for a recurring meeting in conflict exceeds this number, the recurring meeting request is declined. The default is zero.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyConflictPercentageAllowed
Specifies the conflict percentage threshold from recurring meetings. If the percentage of instances of a recurring meeting that conflicts with other meetings exceeds the threshold, the recurring meeting request is denied. Specify a whole number. For example, 50 = 50%. The default is zero.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyContainer
The distinguished name path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyContainerOnePointPath
The OnePoint path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyCountry
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyCreateEmail
For create requests, indicates that the server should create email for this object. Setting this flag adds some validation of the input to ensure the correct attributes are set.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyCreateMailbox
Create mailbox for this user object.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeclineIfMeetingDateIsPassed
Flag to indicate that meeting requests scheduled for a date in the past should be declined. The default is true (requests are declined).
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeleteAttachments
Flag to indicate that email attchments sent to this resource mailbox should be deleted. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeleteComments
Flag to indicate that email comments sent to this resource mailbox should be deleted. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeletedItemFlags
Controls deleted item retention settings.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeleteNonCalendarItems
Flag to indicate that non-calendar email attchments sent to this resource mailbox should be deleted. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDeleteSubject
Flag to indicate that the subject of emails sent to this resource mailbox should be deleted. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDepartment
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDescription
The description displayed for the object. For example: Accounting server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDirectReports
Direct Reports Use this attribute to specify the list of objects for which the current user is a manager.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDisplayName
The display name for an object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDisplayNamePrintable
Display name printable.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDistinguishedName
The distinguished name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDomainDistinguishedName
Property set by DRA server
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDontRequireKerberosPreauth
Enable/Disable Do not require Kerberos preauthentication.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyDowngradeHighPriorityMailX400
Downgrade high priority mail bounf for X400.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyEmailAddress
Email address. Specify the full email address in the format of
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyEmployeeId
Employee Id.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyEmployeeNumber
Employee number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyEmployeeType
Employee Type.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyEncryptedTextPasswordAllowed
Enable/Disable option to store the password using reversible encryption.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyExchangeAdminGroup
The name of the Exchange Administration Group designated by the Exchange server. This property is informational and cannot be set by the client.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute1
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute2
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute3
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute4
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExchExtensionCustomAttribute5
One of 5 Exchange extension custom attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute1
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute10
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute11
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute12
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute13
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute14
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute15
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute2
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute3
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute4
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute5
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute6
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute7
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute8
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyExtensionAttribute9
One of 15 attributes available for customization of this mailbox.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyFaxNumber
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyFirstName
First Name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyForwardAndDeliver
When an a When true, indicates that incoming mail will be delivered to this mailbox and also redirected to the alternateRecipient.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyForwardEmailRecipient
Delivers to this recipient if a specified recipient cannot be delivered to.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyForwardToRecipient
A user to whom all email sent to this resource mailbox should be forwarded. Specify the distinguished name. The default is not to forward emails.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyFriendlyName
DRA friendly name for the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyParentPath
DRA friendly path for parent (if applicable) For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyPath
Full path to the object in canonical format. The path format uses forward slashes to define the container hierarchy. For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting/Myobject
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyGarbageCollectionInterval
The number of days to retain deleted emails sent to this resource mailbox. The default is to use the Exchange server default. The time, in hours, between DS garbage collection runs.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHasMailbox
Read-only. Indicates if this item has a mailbox
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHideFromAddressLists
Determines if the recipient appears in address lists.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHomeDirectory
The home directory path of the user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHomeDrive
The home drive of the user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHomeMdb
Specifies the mailbox store of the recipient.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHomePage
Home page.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyHomePhone
Home phone.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyIncomingEmailSize
The maximum message size the user can receive.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyInitials
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyIpPhone
IP phone.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyIsAccountLocked
Unlock user account.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyIsDisabled
Indicates if the account is disabled.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyIsManaged
Indicates if the item is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyIsObjectManaged
Indicates if this object is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyLastLogon
The date and time that the user last logged on to the domain.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyLastName
Last Name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyLegacyExchangeDn
The distinguished name for the exchange server. previously used by Microsoft Exchange Server.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyLoginHours
The hours that the user is allowed to logon to the domain.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyLoginScript
The login script path of the user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyLoginWorkstations
Login work stations.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyLogonCount
The number of times the account has successfully logged on.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMailbox
The Exchange mailbox
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMailboxStore
Mailbox store.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMailboxType
The mailbox type: Room = 3, Equipment = 2
(Overrides User MailboxType.)
Public propertyMailNickname
Exchange alias, also known as the mailNickname.
(Inherited from ModelEmailObject.)
Public propertyManager
Manager's distinguished name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMarkPendingAsTentative
Flag to indicate whether pending requests should show as tentative on the calendar. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMaximumBookingLeadTime
The maximum number of days in the future that this resource can be scheduled. The default is 180 days.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMaximumDurationInMinutes
The maximum time a single meeting can schedule this resource. The default is 1440 (24 hours).
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMaximumRecipients
The maximum number of recipients this user may send to.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMemberOf
Membership that the user belonged to
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMiddleName
Middle Name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyMobile
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyName
Name for the item
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyNameValue
DRA name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyNotes
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyObjectClass
DRA object class
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyObjTypeGuid
The ObjTypeGuid for an object
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365DeliverAndForward
Indicates if email delivered to this O365 user should be forwarded. Default is false.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365ForwardingAddress
The email address where email sent to this Office 365 user should be forwarded. Applicable when office365DeliverAndForward is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365FullAccess
The list of accounts having full access to this Office 365 user's email.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365FullAccessAdd
The list of accounts to add to the Office365FullAccess list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365FullAccessRemove
The list of accounts to remove from the Office365FullAccess list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendAs
The list of accounts that can be to 'send as' for this Office 365 user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendAsAdd
The list of accounts to add to the Office365SendAs list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendAsRemove
The list of accounts to remove from the Office365SendAs list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendOnBehalf
The list of accounts that can send email on behalf of this user.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendOnBehalfAdd
The list of accounts to add to the Office365SendOnBehalf list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOffice365SendOnBehalfRemove
The list of accounts to remove from the Office365SendOnBehalf list. Attribute only applies to update requests.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherFacsimileTelephoneNumber
Additional fax phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one fax number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherHomePhones
Additional home phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one home phone.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherIpPhones
Additional IP addresses of internet phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one IP phone value.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherMobilePhones
Additional mobile phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one mobile phone number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherPagers
Additional pager phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one pager number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOtherTelephones
Additional phone numbers. Use this attribute to specify more than one telephone number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyOutgoingEmailSize
The maximum size message allowed to be submitted, either globally or by this user.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPager
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPasswordCantBeChanged
Enable/Disable user to change password.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPasswordDoesntExpire
Enable/Disable password expiration.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertypasswordLastChanged
The date and time that the password for this account was last changed.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPasswordRequired
Enable/Disable option to require the user to have a password
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPath
OnePoint path of the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPermissions
The Permissions for an object
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName
Physical delivery office name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPostalCode
Postal code.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPostOfficeBox
Post office box.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPowers
Optional operation powers
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPrimaryGroupID
The primary group id of user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyPrimaryGroupPath
s The OnePointPath of the user's primary group
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyProfile
The profile path of the user
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyProxyAddresses
The list of email addresses for this account. Specify the proxy using the format addressType:email If no address type is specified when adding an account, the address type will default to SMTP. The default value is SMTP:emailAddress for this resource mailbox.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyQuotaIssueWarning
When overriding the Exchange environment configured defaults for managing mailbox size, specifies the threshhold size when Exchange should issue a warning message.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyQuotaProhibitSendOnly
When overriding the Exchange environment configured defaults for managing mailbox size, specifies the threshhold size when Exchange should prohibit sending email from this mailbox.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyQuotaProhibitSendReceive
When overriding the Exchange environment configured defaults for managing mailbox size, specifies the threshhold size when Exchange should prohibit both sending and receiving email for this mailbox.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyQuotaUseMBStoreDefaults
Flag to indicate whether this mailbox uses the configured defaults for mailbox size. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyRecipientPolicyUpdatesEmailAddress
Flag to indicate whether the primary email address for this account should be updated based on defined Exchange policies. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyRejectMessagesFrom
A list of distinguished names for the accounts that whose email requests to this resource mailbox will be rejected. The default is to accept mail from all accounts (empty list).
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyRemovePrivateFlagOnAcceptedMeeting
Flag that indicates whether the 'private' flag is removed from any requests accepted by this resource mailbox. The default is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyRequireAuthenticationToSendTo
When enabled messages from unauthenticated users are rejected. The default is false.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyResourceAttributes
A list of resource names associated with this resource mailbox. For example: whiteboard.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyResourceCapacity
The number of people that can be accommodated by this resource. The default value is unset.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertysAMAccountName
Logon name. This is also known as the pre-Windows 2000 name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertySendOnBehalf
The distinguished name of other mailboxes that can send on behalf of this mailbox
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertySendOrganizerInfoWithDecline
Flag to indicate if the organizer information should be included in the response when a request is declined. The default value is true.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyShowInAdvancedViewOnly
This attribute specifies whether the attribute is to be visible in the Advanced mode of user interfaces.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertySmartcardRequired
Enable/Disable option to require user to log on with a smart card
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyState
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyStreetAddress
Street address.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyTelephoneNumber
Telephone number.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyThumbnailPhoto
The user's picture
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyTitle
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertytrustedForDelegation
Account is trusted for delegation.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyTrusteeName
The TrusteeSAM for an object
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyTrusteeSid
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyTypeDom
The domain type on the dra server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyURLs
Additional home page. Use this attribute to specify more than one home page.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyUseDefaultMailboxStore
Use default mailbox store.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyuseDesEncyptionOnly
Use DES Encryption types for this account.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyUserMustChangePassword
User must change password at next logon.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyUserPassword
User password.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyUserPrincipalName
User login name.
(Inherited from User.)
Public propertyVarSetFilterString
The string to use when building VarSet filters for this object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenChanged
When the object was last modified
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenCreated
When the object was created
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWinNTPath
The winNTPath for an object
(Inherited from User.)
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See Also