Computer PropertiesDRA REST Extensions SDK
The Computer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountThatCanAddComputerToDomain
Distinguished name of the account that can add this computer to the domain. For example: CN=George,CN=Users,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=corp Optional.
Public propertyAdditionalAttributes
Contains values for attributes not exposed as class properties.
(Inherited from BaseObject.)
Public propertyCallbackOption
For dial-in connections, indicates the callback behavior for the computer. 1 = no callback 2 = always make callback to number specified in msRASSavedCallbackNumber 4 = set by caller Optional. Default = 1
Public propertyCallerID
The msNPSavedCallingStationID of the computer
Public propertyCanonicalName
The Fully qualified domain name of the computer
Public propertyClass
Type of item on DRA server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyContainer
The distinguished name path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyContainerOnePointPath
The OnePoint path of the parent OU or container.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDescription
The description displayed for the object. For example: Accounting server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDisplayName
The display name for an object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyDistinguishedName
The distinguished name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyName
DRA friendly name for the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyParentPath
DRA friendly path for parent (if applicable) For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyFriendlyPath
Full path to the object in canonical format. The path format uses forward slashes to define the container hierarchy. For example: mydomain.corp/NorthAmerica/West/Accounting/Myobject
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyGroupMembershipCount
The number of groups having this object as a member.
Public propertyIsDisabled
Indicates if the account is disabled.
Public propertyIsManaged
Indicates if the item is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyIsObjectManaged
Indicates if this object is managed by DRA
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyLocation
Description of computer location. For example: Atlanta, GA Optional.
Public propertyManagedBy
Distinguished name of the account that owns this computer. For example: CN=George,CN=Users,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=corp Optional.
Public propertyMemberOf
Groups the computer is a member of
Public propertyMsNPCallingStationID
For dial-in connections, the expected phone number for the connection. Optional.
Public propertyMsNpSavedCallingStationID
For dial-in connections, the expected phone number for the connection. Value is updated when msnpcallingstationid is updated. Optional.
Public propertyName
Name for the item
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyNameValue
DRA name
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyObjectClass
DRA object class
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyOperatingSystem
The name of the operating system on the computer. For example, "Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise"
Public propertyOperatingSystemServicePackNumber
The service pack number of the operating system on the computer.
Public propertyOperatingSystemVersion
The version number of teh operating system on the computer. For example, "6.1 (7601)"
Public propertyPath
OnePoint path of the object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPowers
Optional operation powers
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPreWindows2000Name
Old-format display name for computer.
Public propertyPrimaryGroupID
The primary group id of computer
Public propertyPrimaryGroupPath
s The OnePointPath of the computer's primary group
Public propertyRasCallbackNumber
When dial-in callback option = always make callback, this is the phone number used for the callback connection. Optional.
Public propertyRasFramedIpAddress
For dial-in connections, specifies the static IP address given to the computer. Optional.
Public propertyRasPhoneNumber
The callback option phone number.
Public propertyRemoteAccessPermissions
Specifies the remote access permissions for dial-in connections 1 = Allow access 2 = Deny access 4 = Access is controlled through remote access policy
Public propertysAMAccountName
Logon name. This is also known as the pre-Windows 2000 name.
Public propertyShowInAdvancedViewOnly
This attribute specifies whether the attribute is to be visible in the Advanced mode of user interfaces.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyTcpIpHostName
Full name of computer using dot notation. For example: COMPUTER7.MYDOMAIN.CORP
Public propertyTrustedForDelegation
Indicates if this computer is trusted to impersonate another user for accessing resources outside of the computer. Optional. Default is false.
Public propertyType
The computer type in AD
Public propertyTypeDescription
Computer type description
Public propertyTypeDom
The domain type on the dra server
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyVarSetFilterString
The string to use when building VarSet filters for this object
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenChanged
When the object was last modified
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWhenCreated
When the object was created
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyWinNTPath
The winNTPath for an object
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See Also