14.1 How the Administration Server Automates Processes

In addition to ActiveView rules based administration, DRA enables you to automate your existing workflows and automatically run related tasks through automation triggers. Automating existing workflows can help you streamline your enterprise while providing better and faster services.

When the Administration server runs the operation associated with your automation trigger, the server also runs the trigger script or executable. If your trigger is a pre task trigger, the server runs the script or executable before running the operation. If your trigger is a post task trigger, the server runs the script or executable after running the operation. This process is called a transaction. A transaction represents the full implementation cycle for each task, or operation, the Administration server performs. A transaction includes the actions required to complete an operation along with any undo actions the Administration server should perform if the operation fails.

The Administration server enters the trigger status in the Audit log each time an automation trigger runs. These log entries record the return code, associated operations, objects acted on, and whether the trigger script succeeded.

WARNING:Automation triggers are run using the Administration server service account. Since the service account has administrator permissions, policies and automation triggers have full access to all enterprise data. To define automation triggers, you must have the appropriate powers, such as those included in the built-in Manage Policies and Automation Triggers role. These automation triggers will run within the service account security context. Thus, assistant administrators associated with the built-in Manage Policies and Automation Triggers role could obtain more power than you intended.