4.15 Deploying Activity Module Updates

When you install a new version of an activity module, you can update existing processes to use the latest version. For more information about activity modules, see Understanding Workflow Activities.

To deploy activity module updates:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Processes.

  2. If you want to deploy activity module updates to all processes, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Global Tasks list, click Deploy Activity Module Updates.

    2. Complete the Deploy Activity Module Updates Wizard.

  3. If you want to deploy activity module updates to a specific process, complete the following steps:

    1. In the left pane, select the appropriate process.

    2. In the Workflow Revisions list, select the revision you want to update.

    3. In the Workflow Revision Tasks list, click Deploy Activity Module Updates.

    4. Complete the Deploy Activity Module Updates Wizard.

  4. Click Finish to deploy the updated activity modules.