2.0 Determining the Version of an Orchestration Component

Cloud Manager Orchestration is made up of many components, which you choose whether to install when you first install the product. If you are new to Cloud Manager Orchestration, if you need to determine component compatibility, or if you need to confer with NetIQ Support, it is useful to know how to obtain the version numbers of the different components.

One way to determine which version of the Cloud Manager RPM packages you have installed is to use the following command on the machine where a Cloud Manager Orchestration component is installed:

rpm -qa | grep novell

The table below provides additional methods you can use to determine the version number for Orchestration components.

Table 2-1 Determining the Version Number for Cloud Manager Orchestration Components


How to Determine Version Number

Orchestration Server

At the Orchestration Console Explorer view, select the grid object, then open the Info/Configuration page of the workspace panel. The version number is listed in the Server Version field.

Advanced Orchestration Server users can also find the version value in the matrix.version fact.

Orchestration Agent

After the agent is registered at the Orchestration Console Explorer view, select its resource object listed under Resources, then open the Info/Groups page of the workspace panel. On the Info/Groups page, select Agent Information. The version number is listed in the Agent Version field.

Advanced Orchestration Server users can also find the version value in the resources.agent.version fact.

Orchestration Console

At the console, click Help > About Cloud Manager Orchestration Console.

The console version number and license expiration date is listed on the About Cloud Manager Orchestration Console dialog box.

Command Line Tools (zos, zosadmin)

No method is currently available.

Cloud Manager Monitoring Server

On the command line of the machine where the Monitoring Server is running, enter (at /opt/novell/zenworks/monitor/sbin) the following command:

gmetad -V

gmetad -- version

Cloud Manager Monitoring Agent

On the command line of the machine where the agent is running, enter (at /opt/novell/zenworks/monitor/sbin) the following command:

gmond -V

gmond -- version