15.5 Configuring the Orchestration Server Audit Database on a Separate Host

The easiest way to configure the audit database is to do so when you configure the Orchestration Server. Use the following procedure to configure the database.

NOTE:The questions presented in the text-based config script are shown here, but the questions presented in the graphical Configuration Wizard are similar.

  1. After you have installed the Cloud Manager Orchestration packages you want, run the configuration (either the config script or the graphical Configuration Wizard) until you see the following question:

    Enable Auditing (y/n) [no]:
  2. Enter yes to answer this question. The following question displays:

    Configure Audit DB (y/n) [no]:
  3. Enter yes to answer this question. The following question displays:

    Jdbc URL [jdbc:postgresql://localhost/]:
  4. Enter the URL of the server where PostgreSQL is running, then press Enter.


    This is a standard JDBC URL because this is a Java server that uses JDBC for the interface database. The URL must be properly formed, with a slash and without a database name at the end. We do not recommend using “localhost” as the URL.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    DB Admin Username:
  5. Specify the PostgreSQL database administrator username, then press Enter.

    This is the same username that was created when PostgreSQL was installed. In most instances, the username is postgres.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    DB Admin Password:
  6. Specify the PostgreSQL database administrator password, then press Enter.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Retype password:
  7. Retype the database administrator password to verify it, then press Enter. The following prompt is displayed:

    ZOS Audit Database Name [zos_db]:
  8. Specify the name of the database you want to create for Orchestration Server auditing, then press Enter. The following prompt is displayed:

    Audit DB Username:
  9. Specify the name you want to use for the PostgreSQL database user that will be used by the Orchestration Server for auditing (that is, a user with Read and Write privileges, not the administrator), then press Enter. The following prompt is displayed:

    Audit DB Password:
  10. Specify the password you want to use for authentication by the designated PostgreSQL database user, then press Enter. The following prompt is displayed:

    Retype password:
  11. Retype the password, then press Enter.

After you retype the new audit database password, the configuration interview for the Orchestration Server continues normally.