27.2 Cloud Marketplace Rebranding

NetIQ Cloud Marketplace also uses images installed on the Cloud Manager Application Server to rebrand its user interface. The default images you can use to retheme Marketplace are located in a downloadable.zip file (https://www.netiq.com/documentation/cloudmanager221/marketplace_rebrand.zip) at the NetIQ Cloud Manager documentation Web site.

To retheme these images, extract the contents of the .zip file and evaluate the contents. You can change the colors, the logo, and the product name (embedded in the .json file) in your retheming. Some things to remember:

A Cloud Manager Application servlet serves up marketplace_rebrand.zip. When the Cloud Marketplace iPad app launches, it retrieves this .zip file, extracts it and uses the images and information within to change its appearance.

You can check the contents of the newly themed .zip file from a browser at http://<cloud_manager_application_server>/theme/mobile/marketplace_rebrand.zip. If the servlet attempts to find the file and fails, or if the image you replaced is displaying incorrectly in Marketplace, you need to use the following Karaf command to flush the cache and refresh it with a new image from marketplace_rebrand.zip:


NOTE: The language aspect of Marketplace rebranding is determined by headers that the Marketplace client provides to the server. The theme name is based on the hostname that the iPad application uses to access the server. The server can be configured to respond to several virtual host names, and each can have its own theme.

For more information, see Section 24.1, Additional Theming Infrastructure.