9.8 Repository Object Naming and Renaming

Some resource names are generated by the Orchestration Server and can therefore have generic, arbitrary names such as host1, host2, host3, and so on. Repositories you name at creation time might also change later in their purpose or facilities.

The object’s display name is visible in the Orchestration Console, the Cloud Manager Web Console and Mobile Clients interfaces, and in optional zos and zosadmin commands. As the number of these Repository objects grows in your grid, you might find it helpful or necessary to rename them, assigning more meaningful, intuitive names to suit the purpose of the object.

NOTE:Repository object groups (that is, the folders that contain these Repository objects) can also be renamed. Objects such as jobs, events, and users cannot be renamed.

A Repository object’s name is stored in the ${objectType}.displayname fact, which exists on every Grid object type, even those objects that cannot be renamed.

You can rename a Repository object in the Orchestration Console using one of three methods:

As you use one of these methods, you will notice that the fact value is pre-populated with the ${objectType}.id fact. This functions as the name value for the object name until you decide to change it.

NOTE:Even after being renamed, the Repository object retains its associated resource ID in the .id fact. This is not editable.

For more information about making the Resource object display names visible from the zos or zosadmin command line, see Section 17.1, The zos Command Line Tool and Section 17.3, The zosadmin Command Line Tool.