24.1 Additional Theming Infrastructure

In addition to the standard Cloud Manager theming infrastructure used to search for common themes and locales, the Cloud Manager Application Server Console adds more search structure to determine the search order for themes and resources. The list below details the order of this order of this structure:

  1. The theme and locale you define by specifying an additional parameter (?theme=&locale=) in the Cloud Manager URL.

    For example, if your Cloud Manager URL is http://ncmdev.netiq.com/cloudmanager.html, you could change its theming search to launch the console with a new theme and locale by adding the parameter: http://ncmdev.netiq.com/cloudmanager.html ?theme=DigitalAirlines&locale=zh_CN

    The parameter exhibits the following behaviors:

    • Persists in the console session until you reset the URL with a new parameter.

    • Invokes the settings when other parts of the console are accessed away from the login and home pages, even if the parameter is not included in the target URLs.

  2. The theme and locale you define in an HTTP request header. You can set up this request to create a virtual host showing a specific theme.

  3. The locales specified by the browser’s Accept-Language request header, which lists locales in preferred order.

  4. The common search methods outlined in Section 23.4, Theming Search Order.