24.2 Theming Resources for the Cloud Manager Service Reseller

One major theming use case is that of a retailer who wants to brand Cloud Manager branded with the identity of his service. In this scenario the retailer usually wants:

To create your own retail theme in a similar scenario, use the following steps (shown with sample names):

  1. Copy the /opt/netiq/cloudmanager/themes/CloudManager directory to /opt/netiq/cloudmanager/themes/DigitalAirlines.

    Remember, you create a new name for your own theme.

  2. Customize the images, style sheets, HTML help files and other theme resources you want to brand in the /opt/netiq/cloudmanager/themes/DigitalAirlines folder, as you desire.

  3. On the Cloud Manager Application Server, set up an Apache 2.x Web server instance, configuring and enabling the mod_proxy and mod_header modules.

  4. Create a virtual host for the new identity:

    1. Add the new virtual host by including a directive similar to the following in the Apache httpd.conf file:

      <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@digitalairlines.demo
         DocumentRoot "/usr/htdocs/cloud.digitalairlines.demo"
         ServerName cloud.digitalairlines.demo
         ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/cloud.digitalairlines.demo-error_log"
         CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/cloud.digitalairlines.demo-access_log" common
         ProxyRequests off
         ProxyPass / http://www.acmecloud.demo:8182/
         ProxyPassReverse / http://www.acmecloud.demo:8182/
         RequestHeader set theme "DigitalAirlines"


    2. Configure the Apache host to use SSL:

      1. In the /etc/sysconfig/apache2 file, locate the line reading APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS and enable the SSL flag. The line should read as follows:

      2. Generate a SSL certificate for the new theme (cloud.digitalairlines.demo).  For information about creating a self-signed SSL certificate, perform a search for information similar to what is found at Linuxtopia.

      3. Copy /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template to /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/digitalairlines-ssl.conf file, then modify the new .conf file as follows:

        1. In the file, change ServerName to cloud.digitalairlines.demo:443.

        2. Add the following prior to the SSLEngine on line:

                 SSLProxyEngine on
                 ProxyRequests off
                 ProxyPreserveHost on
                 ProxyPass / https://www.acmecloud.demo:8183/
                 ProxyPassReverse / https://www.acmecloud.demo:8183/
                 RequestHeader set theme "DigitalAirlines"
    3. (Conditional) If you want to create multiple virtual hosts with different IP addresses, change <VirtualHost*:443> to <VirtualHost>:443, replacing with the virtual host’s IP address.  You also need to change the certificate lines to point to that virtual host’s specific certificate.

HINT:To configure the server for multiple SSL retailers, you can either use a wildcard certificate with the same TLD (for example, the certificate is for *.cloud.demo and the virtual hosts are digitalairlines.cloud.demo and acme.cloud.demo), or you need to provide different IP address for each name, with a different certificate configured for each IP address (for example, cloud.acme.demo with an IP address of, and cloud.digitalairlines.demo with and IP address of