25.3 Removing Workload Template Assignments from an Organization

Roles that Can Perform This Task: Cloud Administrator

You can remove a workload template from an organization unless it is currently being used to build a workload for one of the organization’s business groups. As soon as the workload is built and deployed, you can remove the workload template.

Removing a workload template assignment from an organization also removes any assignments from its business groups.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Organizations.

  2. In the Organizations list, select the organization from which you want to remove the workload template assignment, then click Edit.

  3. Click the Workload Templates tab.

  4. Select the workload template to be removed, click Remove, then click Yes to confirm the template removal.

    You can Shift-click or Ctrl-click to select multiple workload templates.

  5. When you have finished removing templates, click Save to save the changes to the organization.