B.0 Tuning the vsphere Provisioning Adapter for Large Scale VM Provisioning

If the vSphere virtual machine environment you manage services a large number of concurrent requests, such as multiple (for example, more than 30) concurrent Business Service Requests for workloads from Novell Cloud Manager, you should tune the vsphere provisioning adapter in the Orchestrate Server to accommodate the load.

We recommend that you adjust these policies for large scale concurrent VM provisioning operations.

vsphere policy

Use the following steps to adjust critical performance facts in the policy.

  1. In the Explorer view of the Orchestrate Development Client, select the vsphere policy to open the policy editor.

  2. On line 93, change the default value for the actionTimeout fact from 2400 to 7200.

            <fact name="actionTimeout"
                  description="Timeout limit for this job to process a PA action in seconds"/>
  3. Click the Save icon.

vspheredaemon policy

Use the following steps to adjust critical facts in the policy.

  1. In the Explorer view of the Orchestrate Development Client, select the vsphereadaemon policy to open the policy editor.

  2. On line 28, change the default value for the maxConcurrentTimeout fact from 3600 to 7200.

            <fact name="maxConcurrentTimeout"
                  description="Timeout limit to wait in seconds for a operation to be accepted. Wait is due to reaching the maxConcurrentOperation limit"/>
  3. On line 48, change the default value for the javaArgs fact from 256 to 1024.

            <fact name="javaArgs"
                  description="JVM args for vsphere client"/>
  4. Click the Save icon.