A.0 Uninstall

To uninstall the Novell Cloud Manager software:

  1. Remove the Cloud Manager Server:

    1. On the Cloud Manager Server, run the Cloud Manager configuration utility:


    2. When you are prompted to remove the current Cloud Manager domain and continue with the configuration, enter Yes.

      This removes the GlassFish application server files and Cloud Manager Server files. If the Cloud Manager database is local, it also removes the database from the PostgreSQL server and removes the Cloud Manager database user.

    3. When you receive the first configuration prompt (Provide a username for the GlassFish administrator), press ctrl+c to exit the configuration utility.

  2. Use YaST to remove the Cloud Manager pattern from the server.

    Removing the pattern deletes the following packages:






    The postgresql-server package is not removed with the pattern. To remove the postgres package, you must select the package for deletion.

  3. Delete the etc/init.d/novell_soaframework.NovellCloudManager file.

  4. If the Cloud Manager database is remote (rather than local to the server), do the following on the remote server:

    1. Clean up the database:

      # su - postgres -c psql
      postgres=# DROP DATABASE ncm;
      postgres=# DROP USER user;

      Replace user with the Cloud Manager database user. If you did not change the default, the user is admin.

    2. Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf to disable Cloud Manager Server access to the database. In the file, find the listen_addresses = ‘localhost’ entry and remove the Cloud Manager Server’s IP address from the list of addresses.