4.2 Preparing a Remote Database

Cloud Manager stores information to a PostgreSQL database. You can use a local database (on the Cloud Manager Server) or a remote database (on another server).

If you use a local database, the installation program installs and configures the database. If you use a remote database, you need to configure it.

To configure a remote database:

  1. If the PostgreSQL server has never been started, start it to initialize its database:

    # rcpostgresql start

  2. Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf.

    Add the following line to enable a remote connection from the Cloud Manager Server:

    host all all server_address md5

    where server_address is the Cloud Manager Server IP address in CIDR notation.

  3. Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf.

    Find listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, make sure the line is uncommented, and add the Cloud Manager Server’s IP address to the list. For example, listen_addresses = ‘localhost,’.

  4. Restart the PostgreSQL server:

    # rcpostgresql restart

  5. Run the following commands:

    # su - postgres -c psql
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE ncm;
    postgres=# CREATE USER <username> password '<password>';
    postgres=# GRANT ALL ON DATABASE ncm to <username>;
    postgres=# \c ncm
    ncm=# GRANT ALL on SCHEMA NOVELL to <username>;
    ncm=# GRANT ALL on SCHEMA SCHDLR to <username>;
    ncm=# ALTER USER <username> SET search_path TO novell,public;
    ncm=# \q