20.0 Generating Cost Reports

Novell Cloud Manager provides a variety of cost-related reports for business services:

Report Title


Business Service Cost Details

A detailed cost breakdown of each deployed business service and associated workloads for all business groups.

Business Service Cost Details per Business Group

A detailed cost breakdown of each deployed business service and associated workloads for a single business group.

Business Service Cost Summary

A cost summary of each deployed business service for all business groups.

Business Service Cost Summary per Business Group

A cost summary for each deployed business service for a single business group.

Business Service Cost History

The cost of each deployed business service and cost history for associated workloads for all business groups.

Business Service Cost History per Business Group

The cost of each deployed business service and cost history for associated workloads for a single business group.

You can generate the report in PDF, CSV, and XLS format. The generated report is not viewable in the Cloud Manager console, but is sent to your e-mail account. To receive the e-mailed report, you need to make sure the following configuration has been performed:

To generate a report:

  1. In the Cloud Manager console, click Reports.

  2. In the Report Templates list, select the report you want to generate.

  3. Click Generate, review the report status, then click Close. Skip the remaining step.


    If you selected a per Business Group report, click Next, then continue with the next step.

  4. In the Business Group list, select the business group whose cost data you want in the report.

  5. Click Generate, review the report status, then click Close.

    Successfully generated reports are sent to your e-mail address.