8.0 Creating Business Groups

A business group is an association of one or more users with the resources (workload templates, service levels, and networks) from which they can build their business services. Each business group supports a sponsor assignment for financial approval. A user must be a member of a business group to request a business service.

IMPORTANT:Novell Cloud Manager administrators should not be added as members of business groups. Administrators have full Cloud Manager system rights without requiring group membership.

  1. In the Cloud Manager console, click Users, then click the Business Group tab.

  2. Click Create to display the Create Business Group dialog box.

  3. Provide the following details to define the business group:

    Name: Specify a name for the group. The name should be different than any other business group name.

    Discount (%): If you want a discount applied to all business services created by members of the business group, select the discount percentage.

    Costs: Select Show to allow group members to see cost information for workloads. Select Hide to prevent group members from seeing cost information.

    The business group Costs setting can be overridden on individual user accounts. For example, if you select Hide for the group, you can override the setting for specific individuals by setting their user account Costs setting to Show.

    Auto Approval: Business service requests require approval from both the group’s sponsor and a Novell Cloud Manager administrator.

    Select Administrator to automatically grant administrator approval for the group’s business services. No approval task is sent to the Novell Cloud administrators group.

    Sponsor is selected by default. If you don’t want automatic sponsor approval, you must add a user to the group and assign the user as sponsor. See the next two steps.

  4. Add users to the group:

    1. Under Membership and Access, click the Users tab.

    2. Click Add to display the Add Users dialog box.

    3. Select the users.

      You can Shift-click and Ctrl-click to select multiple users.

    4. Click Add to add the selected users to the Users list.

  5. If you want to assign a sponsor (rather than using Auto Approval for the sponsor):

    1. In the Users list, select the user you want to assign.

    2. Click Assign as Sponsor.

      The user name is displayed in the Sponsor field. If you need to change the sponsor, click Clear to clear the sponsor, then assign a new user.

  6. Add workload templates to the group:

    1. Under Membership and Access, click the Workload Templates tab.

    2. Click Add to display the Add Workload Templates dialog box.

    3. Select the workload templates.

      You can Shift-click and Ctrl-click to select multiple workload templates.

    4. Click Add to add the selected workload templates to the Workload Templates list.

  7. Add service levels to the group:

    1. Under Membership and Access, click the Service Levels tab.

    2. Click Add to display the Add Service Levels dialog box.

    3. Select the service levels.

      You can Shift-click and Ctrl-click to select multiple service levels.

    4. Click Add to add the selected service levels to the Service Levels list.

  8. Add networks to the group:

    Each service level has one or more networks associated with it (through the service level’s assigned host group). For the service levels available to the group, you must decide which of the networks are visible to the group members. Each available service level must have at least one visible network.

    1. Under Membership and Access, click the Networks tab.

    2. Click Add to display the Add Networks dialog box.

    3. Select the networks.

      You can Shift-click and Ctrl-click to select multiple workload templates.

    4. Click Add to add the selected networks to the Networks list.

  9. Click Save.