7.4 Validating and Optimizing the Orchestration Installation

  1. Open the configuration log file (/var/opt/novell/novell_zenworks_orch_install.log) to ensure that the components were correctly configured.

  2. Access the Administrator Information Page to verify that the Orchestration Server is installed and running. Use the following URL to open the page in a web browser:


    The Administrator Information page includes links to separate installation programs (installers) for the Orchestration Agent and the Orchestration Clients. The installers are used for various operating systems. You can download the installers and install the agent or the clients on any supported machine you choose. For more information, see Section 5.2.3, Manually Installing the Agent Packages on SLES Machines.

If you installed the Orchestration Tools, you can increase the heap size that the JVM handles. This enables the console to manage a larger number of objects.

  1. Open the zoc bash shell script at /opt/novell/zenworks/zos/server/bin.

    On Microsoft Windows, the path to the console is program files\novell\zos\clients\bin\zoc.bat. For more information, see Section 5.2.3, Manually Installing the Agent Packages on SLES Machines.

  2. Inside the script, find the following line where the JVM parameters are defined:

    JVMARGS="-Xmx256m -Xms256m -Xmn64m -XX:NewSize=64m -XX:MaxNewSize=64m"

    The -Xmx argument specifies the maximum heap size for the JVM. Increasing the heap size prevents a JVM out of memory condition.

  3. Change the value in the -Xmx argument from 256MB to 512MB.

If you want to reconfigure the components of a Cloud Manager Orchestration system that you previously installed and configured, you can rerun the configuration script or the GUI Configuration Wizard and change your responses during the configuration process.