27.3 Email Testing Tools

As you customize the contents of the mail messages according to your needs, you might want to use the following tools to help you in the customization process:

  • Karaf shell commands.

    Cloud Manager uses a caching system in its search tools to track the locales it has searched and what is available for use in localizing messages. Some Karaf commands help to manage that cache.

    • Karaf shell command: cm:flush-branding-resources-cache

      The configuration file and some of the resources (ie styles) are read only once. This command flushes the resources from the cache so that new modified values can take effect.

    • Karaf shell command: cm:dump-branding-resources-cache

      This command displays the current values of certain stored settings options.

    • Karaf shell command: cm:send-branded-test-message

      This command mimics sending a branded test message from the Cloud Manager file system as if you were a user. The command lets you use the default email messaging system to test the look and feel of the message.

      The following table shows the options that you can use with the command to pass in information that might be required to send a tokenized message.

      Short Option Name

      Long Option Name




      The business service ID.

      This option is useful when you want to test a message with a tokenized business service ID and workloads that are members of the business service.



      The message recipient ID.

      Cloud Manager uses this option to determine the email address to send to, along with the correct locale of the recipient.

      NOTE:If you always test sending to an administrative user, you will always get the system theme. To test custom organization-based themes, you need to test sending to a user in that organization.



      The zone ID.

      This option is useful when you want to test a message with a tokenized zone ID.



      The message ID (that is, the filename of the message, displayed at the bottom of the content body).

      Syntax: cm:send-branded-test-msg [option] <parameter>

      Example: cm:send-branded-test-msg -m ncm.businessservice.deployed -b 221 -t 141

  • https://putsmail.com

    This is a web-based tool provided by Litmus Putsmail that you can use to mock up the messages and send test mails to validate the look and feel.