A report is a template that is combined at run-time with a number of criteria, such as time parameters, user security filters, other filter criteria for the events to be displayed in the report. A single report may have numerous associated report results. Reports can range from a simple list of events to multiple graphs and tables.
You can manage the reports and report results in the Reports and Searches panel. To manage reports, you must have the Manage Reports permission.
You can also create new reports in the following ways:
Using an Existing Report: You can create a new report based on existing reports. These reports include predefined criteria for the events to be displayed in the report. To create a new report, select the report based on which you want to create a new report, click Create report, and then add additional criteria to suit your requirements.
NOTE:You can create new reports only from reports created by users in the same role as yours.
Using a Search Query: You can save your search query as a new report.
NOTE:While saving a search query, ensure that you select the relevant option under Based On. Each option under Based On creates filters in the search query.