5.5 Managing Change Guardian Modules and Licenses

The Change Guardian Module Manager provides you with information about licensed modules, allows you to import module licenses to the Policy Editor, and allows you to remove module licenses from the Policy Editor.

To use the Module Manager, start the Policy Editor, click Change Guardian, and then select Module Manager in the navigation pane.The right pane displays the Installed Modules. By default, all the modules are selected. You can use the Install > From Local Directory option to install any additional modules.

5.5.1 Manage Licenses

The Licenses area displays the licenses of the modules that are applied, expiration date and the status. When you install Change Guardian, all available modules are installed automatically. Then you must import the license key for each module you want to use. To import license keys, click Import License Key, and then select the license key for the modules you want to use. After you import the license keys, you can use the module to create and assign policies.