1.5 Nortel SONMP or NDP

Vivinet Diagnostics uses SNMP requests to Nortel devices to discover Nortel Layer 2 switches that might be relevant to a Diagnosis. These SNMP requests query for information that the devices receive through the SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP, otherwise known as Nortel Discovery Protocol or NDP). Until the switches are discovered, Vivinet Diagnostics cannot send them SNMP queries to find out where network issues are occurring.

SONMP is a subclass of SNMP, which is the primary method by which Vivinet Diagnostics retrieves data from the Layer 2 environment. SONMP is a Layer 2 protocol that supplies topology information of devices that speak SONMP, mostly switches and hubs. SONMP is implemented in Nortel switches. The Layer 2 trace uses SONMP to find the interconnections between Nortel switches.

Layer 2 Nortel switches for which SONMP is not enabled are invisible to a diagnostic test and can bring the test to a halt. When SONMP is enabled, Vivinet Diagnostics can automatically determine the management IP addresses of physically neighboring Layer 2 switches. SONMP is enabled by default on Nortel switches. If you disabled it on any switch, re-enable it.

To enable SONMP:

  1. Using Telnet, access the switch configuration and select SNMP Configuration.

  2. In the AutoTopology field, select Enabled.