3.8 Stopping an HP-UX Endpoint

The endpoint program has a special command-line option, -k. To stop an endpoint program, enter the following from a command prompt. You must be logged in as root to run this program.

/opt/NetIQ/endpoint -k

The -k command-line option stops all endpoint processes running on that computer. You should see the message “Sent exit request to the running endpoint,” which indicates the endpoint program has been sent a request to stop.

If the request to stop is not handled correctly by the running endpoint program, use the UNIX kill -TERM command. Avoid using kill -9 to stop the running endpoint program. It does not clean up what has been created

If the endpoint fails, stops abnormally, or encounters assertion conditions, you may need to perform additional cleanup. If the endpoint is still running, try to stop it using the endpoint -k or kill -TERM command.

Next, enter the following command: