This keyword determines which computers can run tests using this endpoint.

To allow any user to run tests on this endpoint, use the ALL parameter, which is the installation default:


However, although ALLOW ALL is the default, it is not recommended. ALLOW ALL makes it easy to install an endpoint and see that it is running, but it also lets any user who can reach the endpoint potentially use that endpoint as a traffic generator.

To allow only specific users to run tests with this endpoint, remove the ALLOW ALL line and identify one or more specific computers by their network addresses. You can specify more than one address per protocol. For example,


Specify a connection-oriented protocol (that is, TCP) as the first parameter and provide its corresponding network address as the second parameter. Endpoints listen only for incoming tests on connection-oriented protocols, such as TCP. Datagram tests are set up and results are returned using their “sister” connection-oriented protocol. Thus, UDP tests are set up using TCP.

The network address in TCP/IP must be in dotted notation.

Endpoints do not respond to endpoint discovery requests unless the IP address of the computer is specifically allowed, or unless ALLOW ALL is specified. This prevents the user of a computer from finding endpoints to which it should not have access.

You cannot use the ALLOW parameter to restrict access from one endpoint to another endpoint. The ALLOW parameter can be used only to permit or prevent access from specific computers to the endpoint at which the parameter is defined.

To restrict your endpoint to access only your own computer, specify your own IP network address rather than Specify, the equivalent of localhost, to allow another user who specifies localhost as Endpoint 1 to access your computer as Endpoint 2.