3.0 Task 1: Performing a Network Inventory

The first step in a VoIP Readiness Assessment is determining the current state of the network. To that end, Vivinet Assessor can discover devices and links on your network to create a detailed report of its current configuration.

The Network Inventory starts with setting up network discovery scanning. After you select a location (a default gateway router, a subnet, or a series of subnets) where network devices can be found, Vivinet Assessor scans that location, sending out SNMP queries to all devices within the IP address ranges it finds. From the responses, it receives information from device Management Information Bases (MIBs) and enters it in the database for the current VoIP Readiness Assessment.

NOTE:Until you complete the “Inventory Network” task, you cannot run the “Assess Configuration,” “Assess Utilization,” or “Model Bandwidth” tasks

For more information, see the following topics: