1.2 Key Processes

The key processes used by the UNIX agent are:

  • VigilEntAgent: The process that UNIX Agent Manager uses to communicate with the common components of the agent. This process should run continuously once the agent is installed. This is also the process that the UNIX agent uses to run security checks and perform baselining for Secure Configuration Manager.

  • uvserv: The process that the Secure Configuration Manager Core Services database and the Log Management database use to connect to the UNIX agent. Each connection spawns a uvservd process that either performs the operation or sends a request to the VigilEntAgent process to perform the operation. The connection stays open until the requesting database receives the data.

  • Agent: The process that AppManger for UNIX uses to run Knowledge Script jobs. This process should run continuously once the agent is installed and configured to be used with AppManager.

  • Nqmagt: The process that monitors the status of the other agent processes and restart them if necessary. This process should run continuously once the agent is installed.

  • detectd: The process that performs the monitoring tasks and data retrieval for Sentinel. The specific behavior of this process is directed by the content of the detect.xml file.