3.0 SQL-RT Knowledge Scripts

AppManager ResponseTime for SQL Server provides Knowledge Scripts for monitoring SQL Server response time.

The ADO Knowledge Scripts use Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) that are built on the top of Microsoft OLE Database (OLEDB). If you are using ADO or OLEDB on production, you may find it inappropriate to use ODBC to evaluate client/server database performance.

The SQL-RT category of Knowledge Scripts support both ODBC and ADO. You can set ADO parameters to match those in the applications you are testing. You should be able to configure an ADO Knowledge Script in the same way you configure an ADODB::Connection on an in-house application.

ADO and ODBC Knowledge Scripts support SQL statements. Be aware that some risk exists in doing continuous INSERT and DELETE statements on a short schedule.

These Knowledge Scripts support both System and User DSN. Use the appropriate Knowledge Script for the application you are testing.

From within the SQL-RT view of the Operator Console, you can select a Knowledge Script on the SQL-RT tab of the Knowledge Script pane.

The following are the Knowledge Scripts in the SQL-RT category:

Knowledge Script

What It Does


Queries a Microsoft SQL Server using ADO and a system DSN.


Queries a Microsoft SQL Server using ADO.


Queries a Microsoft SQL Server using ADO and advanced connection parameters.


Queries a Microsoft SQL Server using ODBC DSN.


Queries a Microsoft SQL Server using ODBC.


Summarizes availability and response time for SQL-RT Knowledge Scripts.


Summarizes availability and response time for the SQL-RT Knowledge Scripts that use DSN.


Discovers SQL Server configuration and resources.