4.19 MemUtil

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor usage of physical memory, virtual memory, and paging files. This script raises an event if the usage of a monitored item exceeds the threshold. In addition, this script generates datastreams for all monitored items.

4.19.1 Resource Objects

Physical memory object

Virtual memory object

Paging files folder

4.19.2 Default Schedule

The default schedule for this script is Every 5 minutes.

4.19.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Event Notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the MemUtil job fails. The default is 5.

Raise event if physical memory usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if physical memory usage exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Event severity when physical memory usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which physical memory usage exceeds the threshold you set. The default is 5.

Raise event if virtual memory usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if virtual memory usage exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Event severity when virtual memory usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which virtual memory exceeds the threshold you set. The default is 5.

Raise event if paging file usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if paging file usage exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Event severity when paging file usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which paging file usage exceeds the threshold. The default is 5.


Use virtual machine performance counters if available?

Select Yes to monitor VMware performance counter data on virtual machines, if available, instead of physical host counters. The default is Yes.

VMware performance counters do not provide virtual memory or paging file data. If you select Yes, only physical memory usage data is monitored.

List top N processes for physical usage

Set number of processes to monitor physical memory usage. Usage is shown in events and data.


Threshold - Maximum physical memory usage

Specify the maximum percentage of physical memory that can be in use before an event is raised. The default is 90%.

Threshold - Maximum virtual memory usage

Specify the maximum percentage of virtual memory that can be in use before an event is raised. The default is 90%.

Threshold - Maximum paging file usage

Specify the maximum percentage of the paging file that can be in use before an event is raised. The default is 70%.

Data Collection

Collect data for physical memory usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of physical memory usage during the monitoring period. The default is unselected.

Collect data for virtual memory usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of virtual memory usage during the monitoring period. The default is unselected.

Collect data for paging file usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the size of the paging file during the monitoring period. The default is unselected.