4.63 WAMAgentConfiguration

Use this Knowledge Script to configure WAM client to connect to the WAM server.

4.63.1 Resource Object

UNIX computer icon.

4.63.2 Default Schedule

By default, this script is only run once for each computer.

4.63.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

General Setting

Do you want to configure the parameter?

Set to Yes to configure the parameter. The default is No.

WAM Server address Hostname/IP

Set the WAM server Hostname or IP address.

WAM Server port

Set the port number of the WAM server.

WAM server application name

Set the name of the application, which the WAM server is running.

Heart Beat interval

Set a Heart Beat interval, at which the script must run. The default value is 30 seconds.

CA Certificates Configuration


Truststore file location

Set the location of truststore file.

Password for truststore

Set the password for truststore.

Private key Configuration


KeyStore file location

Set location of Keystore file.

Password for KeyStore

Set password for KeyStore.

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level to indicate the importance of the event when job fails.

Enable debugging?

Set to Yes to enable debugging. The default value is No.

Raise event if AppManager fails to get metrics?

Set to Yes to raise an event if AppManager fails to get a metric. The default is Yes.

Event severity

Set the event severity level to indicate the importance of the event.

Event Settings


Raise event when succeeds?

Set to Yes to raise an event when event setting becomes successful. The default value is No.

Event severity when succeeds

Set the event severity level to indicate the importance of the event.