4.27 MemUtil

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor physical memory, virtual memory, and swap space (paging files). This Knowledge Script raises an event if any usage level crosses the specified threshold, or if there are any script errors.

NOTE:Oracle Solaris ZFS and ZFS Storage Pools file system monitoring is not available for this Knowledge Script. When calculating ZFS usage, this script handles ZFS with global zone and non-global.

4.27.1 Resource Objects

Physical memory object, virtual memory object, paging files folder.

4.27.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every 5 minutes.

4.27.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

General Settings

HP-UX specific settings


Include reserved value in calculations?

Select Yes to include reserved swap space in the calculations. If set to Yes, calculations include space reserved for system deactivation and paging processes. This parameter is only available on computers running the HP-UX operating system. The default is Yes.

HPUX: Include memory pseudo-swap values in calculations?

Select Yes to include pseudo-swap space in the calculations.Specify Pseudo-swap space might be up to 3/4 of the available system memory. If set to Yes, calculations include space in the pseudo swap reservation counters. This parameter is only available on computers running the HP-UX operating system. The default is unselected.

LINUX specific setting

Exclude buffer and cached memory in calculations?

Select Yes to exclude the buffer and cached memory from the physical memory usage calculation. The default is Yes.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Select Yes to enable debugging. The default is unselected.

Event Settings

Raise event if physical memory crosses threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if physical memory crosses the thresholds you specify for maximum percentage used or minimum MB free. The default is unselected.

NOTE:It is normal for UNIX systems to use almost all physical memory.

Raise event if total virtual memory crosses threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if virtual memory crosses the thresholds you specify for maximum percentage used or minimum MB free. The default is Yes

Raise event if swap space crosses threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the paging file use crosses the thresholds you specify for maximum percentage used or minimum MB free. The default is Yes.

Event severity -- physical memory

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event when the maximum physical memory used or minimum physical memory free crosses the threshold. The default is 5.

Event severity -- total virtual memory

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event when the maximum virtual memory used or minimum virtual memory free crosses the threshold. The default is 5.

Event severity -- swap space

Specify the severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the of the event when the maximum swap space used or minimum swap space free crosses the threshold. The default is 5.

Event severity when Knowledge Script error occurs

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event when a Knowledge Script error has occurred. For example, if a Knowledge Script aborts before the job starts or during the job. The default is 10.

Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Threshold settings

Threshold -- Maximum physical memory used

Specify the maximum percentage (%) of physical memory that can be in use before an event is raised. It is normal for UNIX systems to use almost all physical memory. The default is 95%.

Threshold -- Minimum physical memory free

Specify the minimum amount (in MB) of physical memory that must be free to prevent an event from being raised. The default is 0 MB.

Threshold -- Maximum total virtual memory used

Specify the maximum total percentage (%) of virtual memory that should be in use. The default is 90%.

Threshold -- Minimum total virtual memory free

Specify the minimum amount (in MB) of virtual memory that should be free. The default is 0.

Threshold -- Maximum swap space used

Specify the maximum percentage (%) of swap space that should be in use. The default is 70%.

Threshold -- Minimum swap space free

Specify the minimum amount (in MB) of swap space that should be free. The default is 0 MB.

Collect data settings

Collect data for physical memory used?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of physical memory in use.

  • total virtual memory free? - returns the total amount (in KB) of virtual free memory.

  • swap space used? - returns the percentage (%)of the paging file in use.

  • swap space free? - returns the amount (in KB) of free paging file space

The default is unselected.

Collect data for physical memory free?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of free physical memory (in KB).

Collect data for computational memory in use?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of computational memory being used with the legend RealMemUsage %.

NOTE:The computational memory in use setting is only available for AIX computers. Set to unselected for other platforms.

Collect data for total virtual memory used?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of total virtual memory in use.

Collect data for total virtual memory free?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the free percentage (%) of total virtual memory in use.

Collect data for swap space used?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of swap space in use.

Collect data for swap space free?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports to return the percentage (%) of free swap space.