4.26 MemShortage

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor the physical memory for a system. This Knowledge Script monitors the swapping scan rate to determine if more physical memory might help system performance. Any non-zero scan rate value can indicate that the current amount of physical memory is causing a performance bottleneck. This Knowledge Script raises an event if the memory (in KB) swapped-in and swapped-out crosses the threshold you specify.

NOTE:For Linux and Solaris versions earlier than 2.8, without the swapping scan rate metric, Update Definition in User Variables. monitors the swapping rate.

4.26.1 Resource Object

Memory folder

4.26.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every 5 minutes.

4.26.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Event if scan rate exceeds threshold? (y/n)

Set to y to raise an event if the scan rate exceeds the threshold. The default is y.

Collect data? (y/n)

Set to y to collect data for charts, graphs, and reports. The default is n.

Maximum scan rate (per second)

Specify the maximum number of pages that should be scanned per second. The default is 0.

Maximum KBytes swapped-in per second threshold

Specify the threshold for the maximum amount of memory (in KB) that should be swapped-in per second, for systems without the swapping scan rate metric. The default is 5.

Maximum KBytes swapped-out per second threshold

Specify the threshold for the maximum amount of memory (in KB) that should be swapped out per second, for systems without the swapping scan rate metric. The default is 5.

Number of consecutive iterations exceeding threshold before sending an event

Type the number of consecutive times either threshold should be crossed before an event is raised. The default is 2.

Event severity level

Specify the event severity level, from 1 through 40, to indicate the importance of the event. The default is 15.

Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Set to y to enable debugging. The default is n.