4.24 LogicalDiskUtilization

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor the logical disk activity. This Knowledge Script raises an event if either the percentage of disk utilization or the percentage of time the I/O request queue is not empty exceeds the threshold.

NOTE:Oracle Solaris ZFS and ZFS Storage Pools file system monitoring is not available for this Knowledge Script.

Do not use this Knowledge Script to monitor:

  • I/O queue utilization on AIX

  • VERITAS logical volumes

  • File-based file systems on HP-UX

On Linux operating systems, this Knowledge Script:

  • Requires installation of the sysstat package 8.1.8 or higher

4.24.1 Resource Objects

Any logical disk or disks on Solaris, Linux, and AIX.

4.24.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every 30 minutes.

4.24.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Raise event if threshold is exceeded? (y/n)

Set to y to raise events. The default is y.

Collect data? (y/n)

Set to y to collect data for charts and reports. If set to y, the script returns the percentage of logical disk and waiting queue in use. The default is n.

Threshold -- Maximum disk utilization

Specify a threshold for the maximum percentage of logical disk that should be in use. The default is 95%.

Threshold -- Maximum I/O queue utilization (Solaris only)

Specify a threshold for the maximum percentage of time processes should be waiting in the I/O queue. The default is 50%.

Event severity when threshold is exceeded

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event. The default is 5.

Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Set to y to enable debugging. The default is n.