4.20 LargeDir

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor the directories you specify. The Knowledge Script checks the disk space used by the directories you specify and the number of files under those directories. You can set this Knowledge Script to check directories recursively or to only check in the directories you specify, and to raise an event when disk usage is over the threshold you set or when the number of files in a directory is over the threshold you set.

4.20.1 Resource Object

UNIX computer icon

4.20.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every hour.

4.20.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Event if the disk space usage is over the threshold? (y/n)

Set to y to raise an event if the disk space used by any monitored directory exceeds the disk space threshold. The default is y.

Collect data on disk space usage? (y/n)

Set to y to collect data for charts and reports. The default is n.

Maximum disk space used threshold (in KB)

Type the maximum amount of disk space, in KB, that should be used for the directory. The default is 1000.

Event if the number of files is over the threshold? (y/n)

Set to y to raise an event if the number of files in any monitored directory exceeds the file threshold you set. The default is y.

Collect data on the number of files? (y/n)

Set to y to collect data for charts and reports. The default is n.

Maximum number of files threshold

Type the maximum number of files that should be contained in the directory. The default is 1000.

Event severity level

Set the event notification level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event. The default severity level is 15.

Include sub-directories recursively (y/n)?

Set to y to include disk usage and file information for all sub-directories recursively. The default is y.

List of directories to search (separated by commas)

Type the directory path you want to monitor. You can specify multiple directories, separated by commas. For example: /usr/home,/usr/mail. The default is /tmp.

Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Set to y to enable debugging. The default is n.