4.12 DynamicFileSystemSpace

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor the used space and free space on various types of mounted file systems, including NFS mounted file systems, that are often unmounted then mounted again. You can also check for incremental increases in used space beyond the specified threshold. For example, you can configure this Knowledge Script to Create a new event for incremental increases and set the Threshold for incremental increases to 5% to create an event when used space exceeds 80%, and create a new event when used space exceeds 85%, 90%, and 95%.

When checking for incremental increases, a single event is created if the specified threshold is met; event collapsing is not applicable. If you want to monitor incremental increases in used space, do NOT enable the event option on the Advanced tab to Generate a new event when original event condition no longer exists. If you enable this option, the Knowledge Script incorrectly raises an event.

NOTE:Oracle Solaris ZFS and ZFS Storage Pools file system monitoring is not available for this Knowledge Script.

4.12.1 Resource Object

Logical disk or disks

4.12.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every hour.

4.12.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Event Notification

Raise event if threshold exceeded?

Select y to raise an event if the amount of file system space used or free exceeds the capacity threshold you specify. The default is y.

Threshold -- Maximum used space

Type a threshold for the maximum amount of used space (total capacity). If you use this parameter, select the units you want to use. The default is 80.

Threshold -- Minimum free space

Type a threshold for the minimum amount of free space available (total capacity) for use. If you use this parameter, select the units you want to use. The default is -1, meaning no minimum.


Select the unit of measure you want to use to determine the threshold for the used space and free space parameters. Available units are percentage, kilobytes, and megabytes. The default is%.

Incremental Event Notification

Raise new event for incremental increases?

Specify whether you want to continue to raise events if the amount of file system space used exceeds the capacity threshold you specify and continues to increase since the previous event. The default is n.

Threshold -- Incremental increases

Type the amount that must be exceeded before another event is raised while the initial threshold remains exceeded. The default is 5.

Data Collection

Collect data for used and available space?

Specify whether you want to collect data for charts, graphs, and reports. When set to y, this script returns the percentage of used file system space, the amount of available file system space, the used space, and free space. The default is n.

Event severity when used space exceeds threshold

Specify the event severity level, from 1 through 40, to indicate the importance of the event. The default is 5.

Filesystem types to exclude

Specify the types of file systems you do not want to monitor. To determine the type of your mounted file system, use the df command with the -T option. Separate the file system types by a comma without a space. The default is:


Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Skip events if the filesystem is read-only or in the exclude list? (y/n)

Select Yes to skip events if the file system is read-only or in the exclude list.The default is unselected.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Set to y to enable debugging. The default is n.