4.11 DNSReplication

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor replication between primary and backup DNS nameservers. This Knowledge Script queries the Start of Authority (SOA) records for the DNS server on the local computer where you run the job and the remote DNS server you specify to determine the serial number that’s currently in the SOA record for each server. This serial number is incremented when there are changes to the DNS zone. If the serial numbers are the same, there is full replication of the primary DNS server’s address list. By default, if the serial numbers are not exactly the same in the SOA records (that is, the maximum serial number difference threshold is set to zero), AppManager raises an event.

Although full replication is desirable in most cases, you can specify a threshold for the serial number difference that you deem acceptable for your organization. For example, you might find it acceptable for the serial numbers on backup DNS servers to be out of sync periodically and so might want to adjust the maximum serial number difference threshold to a higher value to allow for this. If the difference between the serial number on the computer where you run the job and the remote DNS server you specify exceeds the acceptable threshold, AppManager raises an event.

You can only use this Knowledge Script on computers that are running a DNS server.

NOTE:Both the DNS server where you run the job and the DNS server you specify in this Knowledge Script should be nameservers responsible for the domain you specify in this Knowledge Script.

4.11.1 Resource Object

Network folder

4.11.2 Default Schedule

The default interval for this script is Every hour.

4.11.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Event? (y/n)

Set to y to raise events if the difference between the serial numbers in the SOA records is over the threshold. The default is y.

Collect data? (y/n)

Set to y to collect data for charts and reports. If set to y, the script returns the SOA serial number difference between the servers. The default is n.

Maximum serial number difference

Enter a threshold for the maximum difference between SOA serial numbers. The default is 0 (identical serial numbers).

Remote DNS server to compare local SOA records against

Enter the name of the DNS server you want to compare SOA records against. The computer you specify should be a backup or secondary DNS server in the same domain as the DNS server where you drop the Knowledge Script job. The default is ns1.netiq.com.

Domain name

Enter the name of the domain the local and remote DNS nameservers are responsible for serving. The default is netiq.com.

Event severity level

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event. The default severity is 25, indicating this is an “informational” event that does not require immediate attention. If DNS replication is critical in your environment, you might want to set the event severity higher, for example 1-10, for greater visibility.

Event severity for internal failure

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which this job experienced an internal error. The default is 5.

Enable debugging? (y/n)

Set to y to enable debugging. The default is n.