3.7 ServiceStatus

Use the XenDesktop_ServiceStatus Knowledge Script to monitor the status of XenDesktop services. This script raises an event when services are not running and when stopped services fail to start.

If you are monitoring multiple services, separate events are raised for each service. The same thresholds apply to all services.

The XenDesktop_ServiceStatus script runs a series of connectivity tests on a sub-set of the XenDesktop services that use back-end databases. The script runs connectivity tests on the following XenDesktop services:

  • Citrix AD Identity Service

  • Citrix Broker Service

  • Citrix Configuration Service

  • Citrix Configuration Logging Service

  • Citrix Delegated Administration Service

  • Citrix Environment Test Service

  • Citrix Host Service

  • Citrix Machine Creation Service

  • Citrix Monitor Service

  • Citrix Storefront Service

3.7.1 Resource Objects

Citrix XenDesktop Service Folder object or Service object

3.7.2 Default Schedule

The default schedule is every 5 minutes.

3.7.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters on the Values tab as needed:


How to Set It

General Settings

Job failure event notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the ServiceStatus job fails. The default is 5.

Monitor Status of XenDesktop Services

Services to be Monitored

Monitor services configured to start automatically?

Select Yes to monitor the XenDesktop or XenApp services that start automatically. The default is Yes.

Monitor services configured to start manually?

Select Yes to monitor the XenDesktop or XenApp services that must be manually started. The default is unselected.

Event Notification

Raise event if XenDesktop services are not running?

Select Yes to raise an event when the XenDesktop or XenApp services are not running. The default is Yes.

Event severity when services are not running

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event in which the XenDesktop or XenApp services are not running. The default is 10.

Start services not currently running?

Select Yes to start any XenDesktop or XenApp services that are not currently running. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Timeout for service startup

Specify the length of time in seconds that the job should wait for a service to start before timing out and raising a failure event. The default timeout is 60 seconds.

Raise event if stopped services fail to start?

Select Yes to raise an event when any stopped services fail to start. The default is Yes.

Event severity when stopped services fail to start.

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event in which the stopped services fail to start. The default is 5.

Monitor XenDesktop Service Database Connections

Event Notification

Raise event if a connection cannot be made to a service database?

Select Yes to raise an event when the script cannot connect to a service database. The default is Yes.

Event severity when a connection cannot be made to a service database

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the event in which the script could not connect to a service database. The default is 10.