3.1 AddDataSource_CiscoCallMgr

Use this Knowledge Script to add a Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 4.x Data Source. With this script, you configure the Data Source and its collection schedule, the associated Data Mart, and access to the Data Warehouse. This script raises an event if a Data Source is added successfully, if the Data Mart server is inaccessible, if warnings are raised during an attempt to add a Data Source, and if a Data Source is not added.

This script creates the Data Mart, which is the container for all configuration and CDR information it gathers from the Data Source according to a schedule you determine.

AppManager needs to wait for the Communications Manager Publisher to receive the CDRs for completed calls from the Subscribers and push them into the CDR database. This buffer time is one hour. Therefore, after a call completes, you need to wait a minimum of one hour before the call is available for collection.

NOTE:After you run AddDataSource_CiscoCallMgr, press F5 to refresh AppManager and display the other Knowledge Scripts available in the AppManager for Call Data Analysis module.

3.1.1 Prerequisite

Set Windows authentication permissions on the Communications Manager server and the Data Mart computer.

3.1.2 Resource Object

Call Data server

3.1.3 Default Schedule

By default, this script runs once.

3.1.4 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

Configure Data Source

Server name

Specify the computer name of the Communications Manager Publisher that will be the source of the CDR data.

SQL username (blank for Windows authentication)

Specify the SQL username required to access the Communications Manager Publisher. Leave this field blank to use Windows authentication.

SQL password

Specify the SQL password associated with the username you entered in the previous parameter.

Configure Data Source Schedule

Data source schedule type

Select the frequency with which you want the Data Mart to collect data from the Data Source: Daily or Hourly. The default is Daily.

Daily start time - Run daily at

If you selected Daily above, select the time of day at which you want data collected. Select from a list of hours based on a 24-hour clock. For instance, select 0100 for 1:00 AM. or select 1300 for 1:00 PM. The default is 0400.


  • No matter what start time you select, AppManager needs to wait for the Communications Publisher to receive the CDRs for completed calls from the Subscribers and populate them into the CDR database. This buffer time is 1 hour. Therefore, after a call completes, you will need to wait a minimum of 1 hour before the call is available for collection. For instance, if you select 0400, data is collected up through 0300 to ensure no data is missed if the Communications Manager database is behind in writing its CDRs.

  • If you have multiple Data Sources, you may want to stagger your data collection times in order to balance the load on the Data Warehouse.

Hourly time interval - Run every n hours

If you selected Hourly above, select the interval at which you want data collected, such as every 2 hours or every 8 hours. The default is 12 hours.


  • No matter what start time you select, AppManager needs to wait for the Communications Manager Publisher to receive the CDRs for completed calls from the Subscribers and populate them into the CDR database. This buffer time is 1 hour. Therefore, after a call completes, you will need to wait a minimum of 1 hour before the call is available for collection. For instance, perhaps you select every 2 hours, and the script collects data at 2 PM, 4 PM, and 6 PM. At 2 PM, data is gathered from 11 AM to 1 PM; at 4 PM, data is gathered from 1 PM to 3 PM; and at 6 PM, data is gathered from 3 PM to 5 PM to ensure no data is missed if the Communications Manager database is behind in writing its CDRs.

  • If you have multiple Data Sources, you may want to stagger your data collection times in order to balance the load on the Data Warehouse.

Data Collection

Initially load n days of data

Specify the number of days’ worth of accumulated data you want the Data Mart to collect during its first instance of data collection. The default is 7 days’ worth of data.

Start data collection immediately?

Select Yes if you want the Data Mart to collect data immediately, rather than waiting for the first scheduled collection. The default is unselected.

The first time the data collection job runs, it collects data for the past n days. When deciding whether to start data collection immediately, consider the impact the first, possibly large, data collection might have on your Communications Manager Publisher computer. You should perform the initial collection at an off-peak time.

Start SQL Server Agent if it is stopped? (Supported on local Data Mart Server only)

Select Yes to start SQL Server Agent. SQL Server Agent must be running in order for data collection tasks to be performed. The default is unselected.

NOTE:This feature is supported only when the Call Data Analysis agent and the SQL Server that hosts the Data Mart are on the same computer.

Keep data for n months

Specify the number of months’ worth of collected data you want to keep in the database on the Data Mart. The data for the current month is always kept in the database. Therefore, if you choose to keep one month’s worth of data, and it is December, the database will retain the data for December and November.

Customize SQL Server Access Configuration For Data Mart?

Select Yes to customize the SQL Server access configuration for the Data Mart. You will then need to specify the name of the Data Mart server in the Server name parameter below.

If you do not select Yes, the Data Mart database will be created on the same SQL Server instance as the Data Warehouse.

Server name

Specify the name of the server on which the Data Mart database will be created.

SQL username (blank for Windows authentication)

Specify the SQL username required to access the Data Mart server. Leave this field blank to use Windows authentication.

Database name (blank for default)

Specify a name for the Data Mart database. Leave this field blank to use the default Data Mart database name.

Customize SQL Server Access Configuration for Data Warehouse?

Select Yes if you want to customize the SQL username.

SQL username (blank for Windows authentication)

Specify the username required to access the SQL Server running on the Data Warehouse FROM the local NetIQ agent (netiqmc service) AND the SQL Server agent service running on the Data Mart computer. Leave this field blank to use Windows authentication.

NOTE:If you leave this field blank, and the Data Mart is not located on the Data Warehouse computer, verify the SQLSERVERAGENT service on the Data Mart computer is running as a user that has access to the Data Warehouse database.

Event Notification

Raise event if job succeeds?

Select Yes to raise an informational event when the AddDataSource job is successful. The default is Yes.

Event severity when job succeeds

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which the AddDataSource job is successful. The default is 25.

Event severity when data mart server inaccessible

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which the Data Mart server is inaccessible. The default is 10.

Event severity for warnings

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of warnings raised during an attempt to add a Data Source. The default is 20.

Event severity when job fails

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which the AddDataSource job fails. The default is 5.