2.7 Discovering Call Data Analysis Resources

Use the Discovery_CallDataAnalysis Knowledge Script to identify Call Data Analysis resources for reporting on call detail records (CDRs).

This Knowledge Script creates the SQL Data Warehouse if one does not exist, or updates the Data Warehouse and associated security parameters if the warehouse has previously been created. Because this script accesses the Data Warehouse, you can supply a SQL username to use SQL authentication, or leave the parameter blank to use Windows authentication. The Data Warehouse provides the central view of the collected data, and has links to the Data Mart databases.

This script always raises an event if discovery fails. You can also enable events to notify you if discovery succeeds or if it is partially successful. By default, this script runs once.

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

SQL Data Warehouse Access

Data Warehouse SQL Server and instance name (leave blank for local server default instance)

Specify the SQL Server name and the instance name of the SQL Server hosting the Data Warehouse. You can leave this parameter blank to use the local server default instance.

If you want the Data Warehouse to be on the local computer, but in a named instance, specify the full name of the SQL server and the instance name, such as HOUSERVER22\INST2008.

If you put in only the instance name (INST2008 in the above example), it will be interpreted as being the SQL server name and the process will fail.

Database name

Specify the name of the database for the Data Warehouse. The default is NQCDA_Warehouse.

SQL username (leave blank for Windows authentication)

Specify the SQL username required for access to the Data Warehouse computer. Leave this field blank to use Windows authentication.

NOTE:To use a specific SQL Server login account, use AppManager Security Manager to update the AppManager repository with the SQL Server logins you want to use.

Event Notification

Raise event if discovery succeeds?

Select Yes to raise an event when discovery is successful. The default is unselected. This Knowledge Script always raises an event when discovery fails.

Event severity when discovery succeeds

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which discovery succeeds. The default is 25.

Raise event if discovery partially succeeds?

This Knowledge Script always raises an event when discovery fails. Select Yes to raise an event when discovery is partially successful. The default is Yes.

Event severity when discovery partially succeeds

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which discovery partially succeeds. The default is 15.

Event severity when discovery fails

Set the severity level, from 1 to 40, to reflect the importance of an event in which discovery fails. The default is 5.