3.17 PhoneInventory

Use this Knowledge Script to create an inventory of the phones configured in a Communication Manager cluster. You choose both the search criteria for the inventory and the location of the output folder for the results file containing the inventory list. Unless you specify a UNC path, \\servername\sharename\directoryname\filename, the results file is written to the computer on which the NetIQ AppManager agent is running. If you specify a UNC path, ensure the NetIQmc service is running as an account that has proper permissions on the UNC path.

NOTE:If you bypass SNMP to discover a call manager, this script is not available.

3.17.1 Resource Object

AvayaCM Active SPE object

3.17.2 Default Schedule

By default, this script runs once.

3.17.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

General Settings

Job Failure Notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the failure of the PhoneInventory job. The default is 5.

Enable use of SNMP GETBulk operations?

By default, this parameter is enabled, allowing the PhoneInventory job to use GETNext and GETBulk SNMP requests to access Communication Manager MIBs.

Disable this parameter to allow the script to use only GETNext requests.

Not all MIB tables are extensive enough to need a GETBulk request.

A GETBulk request is faster, but more CPU-intensive than GETNext.

Number of rows to request for each GETBulk operation

Specify the number of rows from the MIB table to return in a GETBulk request. The default is 10 rows.

The number of rows determines how quickly MIB data is returned.

If CPU usage is too high, you can reduce the number of rows per GETBulk or disable the Enable use of SNMP GETBulk requests? parameter.

Interval to pause between GETBulk operations

Specify the number of milliseconds to wait between GETBulk requests. The default is 100 milliseconds.

The length of delay can help with managing CPU usage and speed of SNMP requests.

For example, a one row GETBulk with a 100-millisecond delay between requests executes more slowly and uses less CPU than a GETNext request.

Raise event if phone inventory succeeds?

Select Yes to raise an event when a phone inventory file is successfully generated. The default is Yes.

Event severity when phone inventory succeeds

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which an inventory file is successfully generated. The default is 25.

Raise event if no records found?

Select Yes to raise an event when the PhoneInventory job finds no phones based on the criteria you selected. The default is Yes.

Event severity when no records found

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the PhoneInventory job found no phones based on the criteria you selected. The default is 25.

Search Options

Select by

Select the filter by which you want to create the list of phones.

  • Name

  • Extension (the default)

  • Building

  • Floor

  • Type

Selection criteria

Type the selection criteria for the phones to be listed. You can specify the actual item or you can specify a pattern by using the * wildcard. For example, to monitor all the phones in the ADM building, enter ADM*.

You can enter multiple items by separating each item with a comma. For example: ADM0009A*,ADM0009B*

The items you enter must be of the same type as the Select by parameter. So if Select by is Name, then the items you enter must be device names or patterns. If Select by is Extension, then the items you enter must be phone extension numbers.

NOTE:Only the following characters are acceptable in this parameter:

  • Number

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters

  • Periods

  • Commas

  • Asterisks (*)

  • Underscores

  • Spaces

List only phones with status of

To further filter the list of phones, select a status. Only phones with this status that also match the criteria you specified in Selection criteria and Select by will be included in the inventory list.

Select from the following status types:

  • Any

  • Registered

  • Registered Not Connected

  • Unregistered

Result File Options

Full path to output folder for result file

Type the full path or a UNC path to a location on the agent computer in which to save the inventory .csv file. The default path is c:\Program Files\NetIQ\Temp\NetIQ_Debug\PhoneInventory.csv

Order by

Select Name to display the contents of the results file in order by phone name.

Select Extension to display the contents of the results file in order by phone extension number. The default is Extension.