3.9 CPU_Usage

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor a Communication Manager server for system management CPU usage, operating system CPU usage, call-processing CPU usage, and available CPU. Note that “available CPU” is the amount of CPU that is available for high-priority tasks, including CPU allocated for low-priority tasks. “Available CPU” is not the amount of CPU that is left over after system management, operating system, and call processing take their shares. Therefore, the four CPU usage values provided by this script can total more than 100%.

This script raises events when values exceed or fall below thresholds that you set. In addition, this script generates data streams for all monitored metrics.

NOTE:If you bypass SNMP to discover a call manager (by selecting the Discover using manual configuration? parameter), this script is not available.

3.9.1 Resource Object

AvayaCM Active SPE object

3.9.2 Default Schedule

By default, this script runs every 2 minutes.

3.9.3 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

General Settings

Job Failure Notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the failure of the CPU_Usage job. The default is 5.

Monitor Call Processing CPU Usage

Event Notification

Raise event if call processing CPU usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the percentage of CPU used by call processing exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Maximum call processing CPU usage

Specify the maximum amount of CPU that call processing can use before an event is raised. The default is 80%.

Event severity when call processing CPU usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the percentage of CPU used by call processing exceeds the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for call processing CPU usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of CPU used by call processing for the monitoring period. The default is Yes.

Monitor System Management CPU Usage

Event Notification

Raise event if system management CPU usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the percentage of CPU used by system management processes exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Maximum system management CPU usage

Specify the maximum percentage of CPU that system management processes can use before an event is raised. The default is 20%.

Event severity when system management CPU usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the percentage of CPU used by system management processes exceeds the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for system management CPU usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of CPU used by system management processes for the monitoring period. The default is unselected.

Monitor Operating System CPU Usage

Event Notification

Raise event if operating system CPU usage exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the percentage of CPU used by operating system processes exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Maximum operating system CPU usage

Specify the maximum percentage of CPU that operating system processes can use before an event is raised. The default is 20%.

Event severity when operating system CPU usage exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the percentage of CPU used by operating system processes exceeds the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for operating system CPU usage?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of CPU used by operating system processes for the monitoring period. The default is unselected.

Monitor Available CPU

Event Notification

Raise event if available CPU falls below threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the percentage of CPU that is available for Communication Manager falls below the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Minimum available CPU

Specify the minimum amount of CPU that must be available for Communication Manager before an event is raised. The default is 20%.

Event severity when available CPU falls below threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which available CPU falls below the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for available CPU?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the percentage of available CPU for the monitoring period. The default is unselected.