3.5 CallActivity

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor call activity on selected Communication Managers. This script raises an event if a threshold is exceeded. In addition, this script generates data streams for the number of active calls and the number of completed calls.

When you start the CallActivity Knowledge Script job, the managed object begins collecting call detail records (CDRs) to store in the Avaya CM supplemental database. After the CallActivity job stops, the managed object continues to collect CDRs. CDR collection stops within a time period equal to two intervals of the job, but never less than 4 minutes after the CallActivity job stops.

3.5.1 Prerequisite

Run SetupSupplementalDB to create the Avaya CM supplemental database.

3.5.2 Resource Object

AvayaCM Active SPE object

3.5.3 Default Schedule

By default, this script runs every 5 minutes.

3.5.4 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed:


How to Set It

General Settings

Job Failure Notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the failure of the CallActivity job. The default is 5.

Monitor Active Calls

Event Notification

Raise event if number of active calls exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the number of active calls exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold -- Number of Active Calls

Specify the maximum number of calls that can be active before an event is raised. The default is 100 calls.

Event severity when number of active calls exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the number of active calls exceeds the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for number of active calls?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the number of calls that were active during the monitoring period. The default is Yes.

Monitor Completed Calls

Event Notification

Raise event if number of completed calls exceeds threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the number of completed calls exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Threshold - Number of Completed Calls

Specify the maximum number of calls that can be completed before an event is raised. The default is 100 calls.

Event severity when number of completed calls exceeds threshold

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the number of completed calls exceeds the threshold. The default is 15.

Data Collection

Collect data for number of completed calls?

Select Yes to collect data for charts and reports. If enabled, data collection returns the number of calls that were completed during the monitoring period. The default is Yes.