2.6 Backing Up Your Knowledge Scripts

If your organization modifies Knowledge Scripts or creates custom Knowledge Scripts, check your modified and custom Knowledge Scripts out of the QDB and copy them to a temporary location before you upgrade.

The setup program compares the Knowledge Scripts in the QDB to the Knowledge Scripts in your installation folder. If you made changes to a Knowledge Script in the installation folder without changing the Knowledge Script name, the setup program cannot identify the changes because the versions it will compare are the same.

Performing a formal checkout or checkout/check-in operation saves your modifications to the QDB and to the local disk before you upgrade. This is a precautionary step to ensure that you can restore customized Knowledge Scripts if you experience problems during the upgrade or Knowledge Scripts were changed through the Operator Console but the changes were not saved to the local disk copy.

If you modified a Knowledge Script and saved your changes in the local copy of the Knowledge Script file, you do not need to perform the checkout operation. For example, if you modified the General_ASCIILog Knowledge Script and saved the changes directly in the General_AsciiLog.qml file instead of modifying the Ascii Log Properties within the Operator Console, you do not need to perform the checkout operation. Your customized copy of the Knowledge Script is saved in the \netiq\qdb_old\kp_old folder after the upgrade.