1.10 Starting an Upgrade and Generating a Pre-Installation Check Report

The upgrade steps in this section are common to all AppManager components, except the UNIX agent. For information about upgrading the UNIX agent, see the AppManager for UNIX and Linux Servers Management Guide, available on the AppManager Modules Documentation page.

The upgrade process does not change the settings from your previous AppManager installation. If you want to change the installation settings, uninstall the components and then perform a new installation. For more information about performing a new installation, see the Installation Guide for AppManager, available on the AppManager Documentation page.

To start an upgrade and generate a pre-installation check report:

  1. (Conditional) If deployment tasks are in the Waiting for Approval state, approve or reject the tasks before you start the upgrade. Otherwise, the tasks will fail.

  2. (Conditional) If you are upgrading only a QDB or CCDB, run Setup.exe on the computer from which you want to perform the upgrade.

  3. (Conditional) If you are upgrading components other than the QDB or CCDB, run Setup.exe on the computer where the components you want to upgrade are installed.

  4. On the Welcome window, view the components available for upgrade on the computer.

  5. (Conditional) If you want to upgrade a QDB or CCDB, select the appropriate option.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Confirmation window, click the link to view the pre-installation check report.

    The AppManager pre-installation check script verifies system requirements and generates a report that summarizes the results. For each requirement, the report provides information about how your environment meets or does not meet the requirement and the check result. The following results are possible:

    • Passed - Your environment passed the check.

    • Warning - Your environment passed the check, but configuration issues exist.

    • Failed - Your environment failed the check.

  8. (Conditional) If your environment passed all requirements, click Next.

    The AppManager setup program launches the individual component setup programs.

  9. (Conditional) If your environment did not pass all requirements, resolve issues and re-generate the pre-installation check report.

  10. Complete the upgrade steps for the components you want to upgrade.

    The following table provides references to detailed information about upgrading AppManager components.