7.4 Managing Event Information

The QDB stores current event information in the Event and EventDetail tables.

  • The Event table stores basic event information that corresponds to the columns available in Events views in the Control Center console.

  • The EventDetail table stores the details about events that correspond to the information found in the Event Properties dialog box.

By default, the tables store event information until you delete an event. Although the event tables do not typically increase in size or affect database performance as quickly as the Data_yyyymmdd tables, there are several ways you can manage event information in the repository to ensure database efficiency.

To keep the Event and EventDetail tables from growing too large, enable the repository preference Move aged events to archive tables in repository. This preference also lets you specify conditions for moving event information from the Event and EventDetail tables to the ArchiveEvent and ArchiveEventDetail tables. For example, you can choose to archive events that remain closed for a certain number of days or that have a certain severity. This option also allows you to specify conditions for removing archived events from the database.

Another good practice is to set the Remove associated events when jobs are deleted repository preference to delete data from both the Event and EventDetail tables when jobs are deleted. This preference acts independently of your event-archiving settings. For more information about event settings, see Managing Events.

As with any database application, however, you should periodically remove information that you no longer need. Regardless of whether you choose to move events to the archive tables, you should plan for this type of database maintenance. For more information about archiving events, see Section 7.10, Removing Events.