B.4 Silently Installing the NetIQ AppManager Application Programing Interface

To silently install the NetIQ AppManager API using the required parameters and default settings, run the following command from the folder in which you saved the NetIQ AppManager API setup program:

msiexec.exe /i "NetIQ AppManager API.msi"
INSTALLDIR="Path to the Installation Folder" NQAMAPI_AUTH_TYPE="Authentication Type"
NQAMAPI_IDENTITY_USER="Domain\User Name for the Windows User Account"
NQAMAPI_IDENTITY_PWD="Password for the Windows User Account"
/l*v "Path to the Installation Log" /qn

To specify additional parameters or alternate settings, add the appropriate parameters to the command. The following table describes all parameters available for silently installing the NetIQ AppManager Application Programing Interface


Description and Values


Target installation folder

The default value is C:\Program Files(x86)\NetIQ\


Specify the Authentication type NetIQ AppManager API will use. Values are: Windows or Basic.


Specify user name with domain for the Windows user account who is added in local admin group, or specify a local administrator.This will be used to configure NQAppManagerAPIAppPool identity as well as “Connect as” user of NQAppManagerAPI.


Specify password for the Windows user account who is added in local admin group or local administrator.This will be used to configure NQAppManagerAPIAppPool identity as well as “Connect as” user of NQAppManagerAPI.