6.5 Grouping and Filtering Event Information

By default, Control Center displays all of the events in your environment in list form, with each event as a separate entry. Although this provides complete information, as you add more events you might want to organize your events into groups, or filter the information displayed to make events easier to work with. For example, you might want to organize events by status or severity level.

6.5.1 Organizing Events into Groups

To group events in the view pane:

  1. In the Enterprise Layout view of the Navigation pane, select the Events view you want to organize.

  2. In the Events view, drag the column you want to group by into the Group By field, for example, by Status or Severity.

    Once you make your selection, Control Center arranges event information into groups as specified.

  3. To expand the detailed event information for any group, click the > (greater-than sign) to the left of the group.

6.5.2 Filtering the List of Events

Filtering events removes events from the list but does not delete the event information. For example, you might want show or hide events in the Events view based on their status so they do not clutter the list of events you are currently interested in. You can apply server filters, local filters, and column filters to an Events view. For more information about filtering, see Working with Lists.

6.5.3 Viewing Events

The Events view lists event information. The first event a particular job generates creates a parent and child event entry. By default, Control Center groups child events by parent event in the Events view and displays event messages in a separate row. You can change the appearance of an Events view depending upon your requirements. For example, you can display all events in a flat view rather than grouped by parent event.

To change the appearance of events:

  1. In the Enterprise Layout view of the Navigation pane, select the Events view you want to modify.

  2. In the Tasks pane, click View Properties > General.

  3. Modify the settings on the General tab and any other tabs as needed.

  4. After completing your changes, click OK.

For more information about customizing the Control Center console, see Section 3.1, Customizing the Control Center Console Layout.

6.5.4 Changing the Sorting Order

You can click any of the headings in the Events view to sort all event entries in that field or toggle the sorting order preference. For example, Control Center normally sorts events in the Events view by last occurrence and in ascending order. To sort the event list by severity, click the Severity header. To reverse the sorting order from ascending to descending, click the Severity header again.