2.5 Managing Rules

Use the Manage Rules tab to add, modify, remove, and change the order of rules for monitoring servers on the QDBs that you previously added to the Advanced Analytics Console. For information about adding a QDB to the console, see Section 2.3, Adding a QDB or CCDB. Consider the following points when you configure rules:

  • Advanced Analytics rules include a setting, Consecutive Violations, that specifies the number of consecutive threshold violations that must occur before Advanced Analytics generates an event. The default setting is to generate an event when two consecutive violations occur. If you find that this setting is too sensitive for your environment, you can adjust the setting up to a maximum of 20 consecutive violations before generating an event. Advanced Analytics resets the counter after each “good” data point. Missing data points do not reset the counter. The following table shows examples of how Advanced Analytics generates events for exceeding the threshold based on the setting:

    Consecutive violations

    Threshold value

    Data point values

    Event triggered at data points...



    65, 21, 24, 62, 67, 61, 25, 66, 78

    65, 62, 67, 61, 66, 78


    65, 21, 24, 62, 67, 61, 25, 66, 78

    67, 78

    65, 21, 66, 62, 67, 61, 25, 66, 78

    62, 61, 78

    65, 21, 24, 62, missing data point, 61


    A missing data point does not reset the counter.


    65, 21, 24, 62, 67, 61, 25, 66, 78, 21



    65, 21, 24, 62, 67, 61, 25, 66, 78, 21

    No events triggered

  • If you have two or more rules that match the same data stream but have different event severities and event notification email addresses, Advanced Analytics uses the configuration of the rule that appears first in the grid when it generates an event. You can change the order of the rules so that Advanced Analytics generates events using the configuration you prefer.

  • If multiple users are logged in to the console and modify the same rule at the same time, the last user to save the rule will overwrite the previous modifications.

  • The console does not automatically refresh after you make changes on the Manage Rules tab. You must manually refresh the console to ensure that you are viewing the latest set of rules.

To add a rule:

  1. Log on to the Advanced Analytics Console with a Windows account that belongs to the Advanced Analytics Admin Group on the computer where the NetIQ Advanced Analytics Configuration Service is running.

    For information about the Advanced Analytics Admin Group, see Section 1.12, Controlling Access to the Console.

  2. In the Tasks pane, click Add.

  3. Complete the following steps to configure the rule:

    1. Select the servers you want to monitor:

      • Select whether to view a list of all servers, available servers based on logical server type, or available servers based on management group membership.

      • After you select the method for filtering the list of available servers, you can further refine the list by typing a server name or partial name to display (for example, HOU).

      • After you select servers from the list, you can choose to view only the servers you selected or only the servers you have not selected. Selecting All resets the list to include both selected and unselected servers.

      • In addition to selecting specific servers from the list, you can type a name pattern to monitor. For example, typing IDC* results in Advanced Analytics selecting all servers that begin with IDC for monitoring.

      • If you add a server to a QDB while the Advanced Analytics Console is running, you must refresh the console to see the new server in the list.

    2. Select the Knowledge Script that is generating the data points you want to monitor. The list contains all of the Knowledge Scripts for jobs that are running, pending, or stopped on the selected servers.

      (Conditional) If you want the rule to apply to all of the Knowledge Scripts or to all of the scripts that match a pattern, use an asterisk (*).

    3. Select the legend that identifies the data stream with the data points you want to monitor. The list contains all of the available legends for the selected Knowledge Script.

      (Conditional) If you want the rule to apply to all of the available legends or to all of the legends that match a pattern, use an asterisk (*).

    4. Select values to indicate the severity for events where a data point is below the normal range or is above the normal range, or select to not generate events.

      For the rule to be valid, you must select a value for at least one of the conditions.

    5. (Optional) Specify an email address for sending notifications when events are generated. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.

    6. Select the number of consecutive threshold violations that must occur before Advanced Analytics generates an event, or accept the default value of 2.

    7. (Conditional) If you are ready for Advanced Analytics to process the rule, ensure that it is enabled (it should be enabled by default).

      To enable the rule later, return to the Manage Rules tab and modify the rule.

      After you enable a rule, Advanced Analytics must accumulate the data from the QDB before it can process the rule and generate events. Data accumulation starts at the time specified for the dataAcquisitionStartTime parameter in the IQPHXConfData.mof file. The same is true if you disable a rule and then enable it again.

      For more information about the IQPHXConfData.mof file, see Section 1.13, Understanding Optional Configuration for the Advanced Analytics Service.

  4. In the Tasks pane, click Save.

To modify a rule:

  1. Log on to the Advanced Analytics Console with a Windows account that belongs to the Advanced Analytics Admin Group on the computer where the NetIQ Advanced Analytics Configuration Service is running.

    For information about the Advanced Analytics Admin Group, see Section 1.12, Controlling Access to the Console.

  2. Select the rule you want to modify.

  3. In the Tasks pane, click Modify.

  4. Make the desired changes.

  5. In the Tasks pane, click Save.

To change the order of rules:

  1. Log on to the Advanced Analytics Console with a Windows account that belongs to the Advanced Analytics Admin Group on the computer where the NetIQ Advanced Analytics Configuration Service is running.

    For information about the Advanced Analytics Admin Group, see Section 1.12, Controlling Access to the Console.

  2. Select the rule you want to move. You can only move one rule at a time.

  3. In the Tasks pane, click Move Up or Move Down as appropriate until the rule is in the desired position.

  4. Click Save.

To remove a rule:

  1. Log on to the Advanced Analytics Console with a Windows account that belongs to the Advanced Analytics Admin Group on the computer where the NetIQ Advanced Analytics Configuration Service is running.

    For information about the Advanced Analytics Admin Group, see Section 1.12, Controlling Access to the Console.

  2. Select the rule you want to remove.

    You can select multiple rules.

  3. In the Tasks pane, click Remove.

    If you create and enable the same rule later, Advanced Analytics must accumulate the data from the QDB before it can process the rule and generate events. Data accumulation starts at the time specified for the dataAcquisitionStartTime parameter in the IQPHXConfData.mof file.

    For more information about the IQPHXConfData.mof file, see Section 1.13, Understanding Optional Configuration for the Advanced Analytics Service.